The incident

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Warning for readers. There will be lemon in this one... well sort of... I'll put a note when it's about to happen!

You woke up the next morning and were extremely hungry so you sluggishly made your way out of bed and got dressed, after preparing yourself you made your way to the kitchen to prepare some food but there were already people there so you just waited until they were done.

Once they were done in the kitchen you got up from your seat and went to get something, anything. After a debate with yourself about what to eat you gave up and had some cereal.

After eating you stepped out the kitchen to find kokichi straddling Shuichi but this somehow turned you on so you hurried to your room.


As soon as you got there you started to masterbate to the thought of Shuichi and Kokichi fucking but didn't know why... you were getting soaked at the thought of it. You slowly inserted the dildo which was in the second drawer of your bedside table and started to pump cautiously up and down but it didn't take long for you to start getting a tingling feeling throughout your body as you thrust harder making you cum in the process.

What you didn't realise is that you were being observed while you were masterbating by the one and only Kokichi from your bedroom window! What made it even worse was that Shuichi was watching from the door also!!

You were in such a rush after you saw the two straddling each other that you had been careless so you left the door slightly open for Shuichi to see and Kokichi was well.... being Kokichi and looked in through the window to you doing 'certain things' to your womanhood.

The two boys that were watching you had a big bulge in their pants so as soon as they realised they had been spotted, they both ran off to their rooms to do the same thing you had just done but you knew they were thinking of you... that memory masterbating in your room being ohh so pleasured by the dildo you were holding made them so hard.

After a while of the boys separately moaning they finally came. They quickly cleaned the place up and themselves as best they could, got dressed and left their rooms.


Shuichi decided to go to you to see if you were alright because you just ran off without any warning (Shuichi is pretending that he doesn't know what is going on, obviously because he saw you in your room doing... certain things) but as soon as he opens the door of his room he saw a letter on the floor saying meet up by the swimming pool, 6:00pm sharp but it didn't have the name it was from, for all he knew was that the letter could have been sent by anyone.
Shuichi went back to his room and started to think about if he should go or not.

After a while of debating, time started to slip away from him and sooner that he realised, it was now 5:55, so he started to make his way there but rushed a little since the pool was quite far away from his room. Once he was there he saw (Y/N) and... KOKICHI?!?!?! What was kokichi doing there?... he decided not to question it because his mind was already pre-occupied with who sent the note.

As soon as he figured it out it was too late, he was trapped, with (Y/N) and kokichi.

((Y/N) POV)

You had a fear of being alone with guys, especially these guys!! You thought "why couldn't at least one girl be here!" This thought crossed your mind several times but being here with shuichi and kokichi made being here a hole lot worse than it was for them because they both saw you in your room earlier on so it was so much more awkward for you so you decided to sit in the corner quietly panicking.

You took a deep breath and tried to calm down so preoccupy yourself you looked up to the two of them sitting in their own corner, you decided to get up and find a way out of there since there must be at least one way out.

Kokichi and Shuichi both looked at you with puzzled looks on their faces, "You don't want to get out of here?" You said sarcastically. Then Kokichi rolled his eyes and got up and Shuichi got up also to help you two look for an exit.

After what seemed like an eternity you looked at the window. Climbing up the frame would work! You asked Shuichi and Kokichi to get over here and check it out, they both agreed and started to climb up.

After scraping your knee and crying a little you all decided it was best for you all to sleep and make your way to the rooms.

"Night!" You said sleepily
"G'night" Kokichi grunted
"Goodnight!" Shuichi said as we all left in different directions.

Shuichi x Reader x Kokichi (LEMONS 🍋)Where stories live. Discover now