The True Mystery

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I hope you enjoy this part and if there's any punctuation problems I'm sorry and if there's any spelling errors either I'm sorry about that too.

You suddenly woke up after a bad dream but you couldn't remember anything from the dream. So you glanced at Kokoichi and Shuichi and they were both still asleep. You thought that they looked peaceful sleeping so you got up trying not to wake them so you decided to go into your bathroom and sneakily get changed.

After you changed into something more appropriate you wrote a message to tell them not to worry and that you were heading to the kitchen, and with that you started making your way to the kitchen.

You stepped into the kitchen and no-one was there yet so you went to grab something to eat; some cereal will do.

After finishing your cereal, you heard an announcement on the monitor "meet in the dining-hall, for some *special* motivation Puh-huhu" monokuma said in a terrifying sort of way.

TIME-SKIP—after everyone was in the dining hall.

"Is everyone here?! GREAT!!, here is all of your *motivation* phu-huhu" monokuma handed each of us a monopad and some people started watching. Some said to monokuma that they didn't know these people and it seemed that everyone except a few had their own but no one would say who's they got.

You decided to watch yours since there might be a possibility that there was evidence hidden in the video but the other part of you really didn't want to... you know you needed to since everyone else had watched there's so it was only fair to watch yours. So you clicked play and once you did a terrible sight was right in front of you as the screen turned white... you had yourself!

"(F/N) (L/N), the ultimate liar. (Y/N) was a very troublesome girl indeed! Since both her parents died in an 'accident' there was no one to help guide the young one, but that didn't stop her" monokuma chuckled
"she would regularly seduce men and while they were paying attention to her good looks (Y/N) would sneakily put a little something into their drink~" monokuma stated
"After stealing everything the individual had, she would hastily make her way to their car and drive off!"
"But one day (Y/N) stumbled across a secret organisation called D.I.C.E! Intrigued she followed one of the members and saw all of these wonderful games to steal! So with quick thinking (Y/N) lied about being homeless and joined the organisation just to steal the games" monokuma smiled
"After several days of being there she decided not to leave because she felt something for one of the members but I won't tell you whoooo~ That's for me to know and you to figure out! Puh-huhu!" Then the screen went black.

You then looked around and everyone had a look of sadness on their faces, except you, you were unaffected by the video shown to you so you decided to walk away calmly since you were on the verge of laughter, so you hastily made your way to your room and began to laugh uncontrollably unable to stop yourself.


After several minutes you were finally able to control yourself and you stepped out of your room to join the others... they were still as sad as ever.

Kokichi POV

I can't read her, her expression it's just too flat... there's nothing! She looks as if nothing had happened... but why!? Shouldn't she be a little upset?...even a little? What a mystery she truly is...

Shuichi x Reader x Kokichi (LEMONS 🍋)Where stories live. Discover now