Chapter 9: Football Field of Dreams

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The Next Day

Tobias Pov

I walk into school and feel someone hop on my back.

"What the hell?" I ask looking over my shoulder and seeing Tris. "Oh hey Bea the Beauty!" I say trying out the new nickname.

"Don't call me that!" She says in between giggles. 'God she's cute when she laughs.'

"Thank you." Tris says blushing.

"Did I say that out loud?" I ask now the one blushing but only a hint so she cant see.

"Yup!" she says popping the 'p'.

I carry her to first period where we sit next to each other. Mrs. Wu walks in and says "Okay class today I want you to draw a picture of something that means alot to you. It doesn't matter if it is a dog, a stuffed animal, or family. It can be anything... Wait nothing inappropriate though. I am choosing the two best drawings and putting them in the local newspaper. The winners get a 100 dollar prize to the mall. Be creative and have fun with this assignment." She says the last part smiling. I already know who I'm drawing. It is one word. Tris.

I start my drawing my picture by outlining her face and nose. After that I start on her beautiful stormy gray-blue eyes. I then start filling in all of her features. I lightly shade her cheeks pink. I finish by drawing in her hair. I have to say it looks better than what I expected since I was usually a terrible drawer. I guess I just had to find the right thing to draw that I always think of.


Tris' Pov

Once Mrs.Wu said we had to draw something that meant alot to us I immediately thought of the amazing boy next to me. Tobias. I start drawing, sneaking a few glances at Tobias just to make sure I was drawing him right, even though he was always etched into the backs of my eye lids. Once I got to his lips I drew his full lower lip and spare upper lip. Finally I drew his dark brown, almost black  hair. It looked just like him when I finished. I looked over at Tobias' drawing and saw he drew me but I looked prettier than I did in real life. He looked at mine then looked at me and closed me in a bone crushing hug, even though I felt like my bones were breaking I felt a feeling of safety wash over me like a bucket of water was dumped on my head.

"Thank you so much Bea I love it!" Toby whispered in my ear.

"Thank you too it's absolutely beautiful!" I whisper back in his ear.

"Okay class just hand me your pictures when the bell rings!" Mrs. Wu says before the bell rings.

I hand her my drawing and she gasped.

"Tris this is beautiful. Are you two dating?" she asked looking at Tobias.

"Oh um not officially yet but I like him and I think he likes me too." I reply blushing.

"You two would make a cute couple." She says before turning away to talk to a student.


After School!


Tris' Pov

I remember Toby told me yesterday to meet him today on the football so once the bell rang signaling the end of the day I headed to the field.

I stepped on the field and saw Tobias standing in the middle wearing a tux and had roses in one hand 'What is going on?' I thought to my self as I made my way over to Tobias. Once he saw me he immediately put on a big goofy smile. "Literally the cutest guy I have ever seen" I mutter to myself still making my way over to where he was standing.

Once I reached him he handed me the roses and said "These are for you. Tris I have known you since I was 7 years old and since that first day that you fell on top of me  I knew I loved you and always would. That was very suprising of me because it was completely true. Tris I love you and I know we aren't even dating but I just wanted to let you know. I didn't call you over here just to tell you that I also wanted to ask you a question." I nod "Okay Beatrice Edith Prior will you go to the dance with me?

By the time Tobias was done talking I was full on crying. "Of course Tobias! A million times yes!" I said whispering because I was still crying and if I talked to loud my voice would probably waver, which would embarrass me. He smiles at me and I smile back through my tears laughing. I jump on him and hug him. 

All the sudden two huge confetti cannon explode raining blue and white confetti all over me and Tobias.

This is the best day of my LIFE!!!!! 

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