Chapter 6: Candor Or Dauntless

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Tris' Pov

 Once we get to my house I show them to my basement, where I have a big trampoline area just for party games, like Candor Or Dauntless, or Never Have I Ever. When we walk into the trampoline room the guys flip and start to jump. 

"OMG your house is HUGE!!" Christina yells. My house is 4 stories and has a built in pool in the backyard.

"Yeah I guess you could say that. Boys i want to show you something." i say walking over to a door that looks like it leads to a closet but really it leads to a huge game room.

"Woah Tris I know we are all somewhat attractive but I don't really think having a five some in a closet is very classy." Uriah says.

"God you are really stupid." i say back to Uriah. "I'm not going to have intimacy with you. I just want to show you my favorite room in the house."

We walk into the game room and all the guys' mouths drop to the floor. 

"This is the most beautiful thing i have ever seen in my life!" Zeke says.

"Well then you might die when you see this." I say clicking a remote making our 70 inch T.V come out of the wall along with a XBOX 1 and PlayStation.

Zeke pretends to faint and falls onto a couch that was right behind him.

"Okay keep yourselves occupied while i show the girls the rest of my house." I say walking out of the game room to see all the girls in my movie room looking through all my romance movies. 

"You guys having fun?" I say looking at them

"Tris you have the best taste in movies!" Chris says.

"Thanks Chris I try." I say chuckling. " You want to see my room?" 

"YAAAASSSSSSS" All the girls scream so loud it made the pictures on the walls shake.

Once we get to my room the girls (all except Lynn) start screeching and jump up and down. I show them my walk in closet with a bunch of designer clothes and purses.

"LETS GO CRAZY!!!!" Me and Chris yell at the same time. All the girls run into the closet and grabs a handful of clothes. I have so many items of clothing because my mom is a model and gives me all of the clothes she doesn't want. My dad would never allow me to buy this much stuff because 'I am just a waste of time and nobody will ever love me except for my idiot of a mother'  to quote exactly what my piece of crap father tells me every night while he whips and punches me sens less. 

We all try on the clothes and do a fashion show. The boys are still downstairs so we decide to play a little prank on them. 

"HEEELLLLLPPPPP UUUSSSSS FOUR, URIAH, ZEKE, WILL HEEELLLPPP UUSSSSS!!!!!" All of the girls yell and preparing ourselves with buckets full of ice cold water. We hear the boys running up the stairs and when we see the door open we toss the buckets of water on them and run to hide.

"YOU ARE GOING TO GET IT GIRLS!!!" Four yells. I run into my room and hide in under my bed. I hear someone enter my room and all of a sudden a dust bunny goes into my nose, tickling it making me sneeze. Nobody grabs me so I think they didn't hear me until I look over and see a smiling Four right next to me. I scream and he pulls me out from under the bed and throws me over his shoulder. "PUT ME DOOOOOWWWWWNNNNN !!!!!" I yell at Four.

"Let me think about it... NO!" Four yells tightening his grip on my legs.

He brings me outside to the pool and throws me in. once i resurface i see all the other girls in their undergarments swimming. They probably got thrown in a while ago because they all hid on the first floor. I keep my shirt on because I don't want anyone to see my whip lashes on my back. All the guys except for Four take their shirts and pants off so they are only in their boxers and jump into the pool. Four only dunks his feet in and sits on the ledge of the pool. My back starts to sting because my lashes are still healing from last nights beating and the chlorine is seeping into them, so I swim over to where Four is and pull myself up and sit next to him.

"What are you doing?" i ask since he isn't swimming.

"I should be asking you the same thing." He replies smirking "I guess I just don't like swimming."

"yeah me neither."

"you want to go get clothes for the dumbos and maybe order some pizza?" I ask him.

"Sure." He replies looking into my eyes and smiling.

We get into the house and order 1 large pepperoni pizza, 1 large cheese pizza, and 1 large everything pizza. We go upstairs and get the girls some sweatpants and t-shirts from my room and the same clothes but from Caleb's room. I run outside to tell everyone that the pizza was here and I have clothes they could put on. They all climb out of the pool and change then we eat pizza and watch T.V.

"I think we should play Candor or Dauntless!" I yell at my new friends. I get a chorus of 'Omg yas' and 'okays'.

"Okay since it is my house I choose the first victim. Hmmmm Four Candor or Dauntless?" I ask Four

" Dauntless!" he replies.

"Okay I dare you to kiss the prettiest girl in the room for 30 seconds." i say getting an evil grin.

Four stands up and walks over to me. he grabs my wrists and pulls me up. "You are the prettiest girl I have ever met." he says before softly placing his lips upon mine. Toby said that the day before he left. 'It cant be. Can it?' he softly moves his lips against mine and I do so too. I tangle my fingers in his hair and he wraps his hands around my waist. I feel like I have finally found my missing puzzle piece. That's how i felt when Toby kissed me when we were 12. I knew now that my Toby was back so i kissed him harder not wanting the 30 seconds to be up. 

"Alright lovebirds 30 seconds is over." Zeke says.

Once we break apart i say " Toby is it really you?" 

"Bea?" he asks.

I jump into his arms hugging him and start crying into the crook of his neck.

"I thought I lost you forever!" i whisper into his ear.

When I look up at him I see tears in his eyes.

"So did I Bea." he replies

"Wait did we miss something here?" Zeke asks

"Oh well Tris was my best friend when we were younger until I left her when my father made me move here when i was 12." Toby says.

"Yeah and ever since then I thought he left me because he didn't love me like I loved him." I finally confess to my friends.

" Oh Bea I have always loved you and will always!" He says looking into my eyes while tears stream down his face. I pull him to me and kiss him passionately.

"NO PDA!!!" Uriah yells at us making me jump. Tobias chuckles then sits down pulling me with him so i can sit on his lap. I gladly accept and rest my head on his shoulder.

"Okay Zeke Truth or Dare?" 

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