Chapter 12: Dancing and Gentlemen Callers

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Tris' Pov

Once the rest of the gang and I walk into the courtyard outside we are all surprised by how beautiful it looks. The theme was a night in Paris, so they put up twinkling lights in the trees, for tables they had metal ones that sat 2 people with a basket of croissants in the middle. 

I lean over to Tobias standing on my tippy-toes and whisper "this looks really nice."

"I know right. Who thought the school could actually make the courtyard look this..." he responds thinking of a word to describe how wonderful the scene that we are taking in looks.

"Amazing" we both say at the same time then laugh. Tobias tells me to stay at the table we were sitting at for a minute while he goes and does something. Hm weird.


Tobias' Pov

I tell Tris to wait at our table while i go and do something. Little does she know I am going to go request 'It All Ends Tonight' by All American Rejects , her favorite song, and then ask her to dance. While we dance I am going to look her straight in the eyes and ask her if she would want to be my girlfriend. I have never been this nervous in my life.  Once the DJ stops playing the worst song EVER! Taylor Swift 'I knew You Were Trouble'. UGhh! I can also tell Tris is hating life right now because of the song (A/N sorry to all the swifties, couldn't think of a song.)  Anyways once that song is done he plays my request, immediately I pull tris to the middle of the courtyard and start slow dancing with her.

"This is my favorite song!" She says looking in my eyes "Did you do this?"

I nod my head. "I cant believe you remembered" she says while tears are falling down her cheeks. "God I make this girl cry alot" I say to myself in my head.

I look Tris in the eyes. 'Its now or never Tobias"  This is it.

I take Tris' hands from behind my neck where she was resting them while we danced, and hold both in mine. "Beatrice Prior, I knew from the day I met you that no matter what you did that I would always love you, so I ask you this question with full serenity. Would you do me the honours of being my girlfriend?" I ask not breaking eye contact once.

"OF COURSE I WILL!!!!!" she yells and jumps up and hugs me. We break apart from our hug, and I see a chance so I take it. I lean down slowly, once I know that she is not pulling away I snake my arms around her waist and pull her closer to me. There is close to no space between us except for our faces which are only centimeters away. I close the gap between our faces. I softly place my lips on hers. after what seems like a millisecond we mold into each other like we were meant to be. Moving our lips in unison. Not to slow and not to fierce. Exactly perfect. I have been waiting to do this since I was 6 and now it was finally happening. Once I think about this I smile against her soft lips. When people say your first kiss is all sloppy and disgusting, and you immediately regret doing it with that person. Well they were wrong, I know what you're thinking "what the almighty Four not having his first kiss until he is 17?" Well its true so just go screw yourself if you thought that.I know that I kissed Tris at Zeke's party but that was a dare. I have never had an actual first kiss that was intentional. I know this sounds cliché but I have been saving my first kiss for someone that I truly love. I won't and will not waste my time on trashy whores, when I know the girl I am meant to be with is right here in my arms kissing me. We break apart after what feels like forever because we needed breath. Stupid human body system always needing air to live.

"Wow" Tris breathes looking at me .

" I know, that was the best kiss ever!." 

"I kinda want to let you know that  that was my first kiss that actually meant something to me. All the others which is one, the one at Zeke's house, were dares." She says looking down while blushing

"Me too." I say smiling down at her. She looks up at me and beams her biggest smile.

"God you don't understand how much you are making me crazy when you stare at me with your big goofy smile." She says reaching up and tangling her fingers in my hair causing me to close my eyes and moan a little. 

"You don't know how much you drive me crazy when you are around." I say opening my eyes and kissing the top of her head.

God I love her so much.



Hey guys I'm really sorry I haven't updated in a while but 663 reads!!! When I started this book I thought I wouldn't get that many reads but this is absolutely amazing! Thank you all I love you! I have started a new book! It's called Wishing On Stars an allegiant twist, so you can go read that, but I wont be posting alot on that book because this one is my absolute #1 priority. Again I love you. Don't forget to vote, comment, and add this book to your library! 

Stay cool!
        ~Macie Kay

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