Chapter 30: In the End

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Toby's Pov

4 years later

"Tobias Eaton," the announcer calls my name and I nervously walk onto the platform and accept my diploma and shake my creative writing professors hand. He pulls me into a hug and the crowd erupts in yelling and applause.

"I knew you would make it here, Toby. I'm Proud of you for never giving up on your dreams when they got complicated. " He says to me once we separate from our embrace.

"Thank you, Professor Donnely. I couldn't have done it without your help." Tears spring to my eyes but I force them to go away.

"Now go and marry that fiance of yours. You deserve a family with someone that loves you as much as her." He claps me on the shoulder and sends me on my way. 

I walk to the stairs and throw my fist gripping the diploma in the air and smile. I hear my friends all cheer for me and I head back to my seat cheering for my fellow classmates.


Fourtris wedding day

Tris' Pov

Who is this in the mirror. She has shoulder length hair that is wavy and has braids around the crown of her head. Her pristine white wedding dress cascades down to the floor in the soft tool like fabric. The bodice of the dress is very form fitting but isn't drowning with beading and gems. It's simple. The skirt is poofy but moves easily and is comfortable. 

I don't recognize the girl until I look at her face. It is, in fact, me. My makeup is flawlessly down by the one and only Christina. She did a slight brown smokey eye matched with shimmery gold eyeshadow on the base of the lid. I have on my mothers old single diamond necklace on that matches perfectly with the engagement ring Toby gave me on my graduation day and his second year in college. The ring is beautiful being a single diamond ring resting in a 14 kt white gold band. My mother knocks and slowly breathes out when she sees me.

"What? Whats wrong? Is my hair bad? Is there something on my dress?" I try to look at the back of my dress, but mom stops me by putting a hand on my shoulder. 

"You look beautiful," Is all she says before checking her small gold watch. "It's time. Are you ready?"

I nod looking in the mirror one more time before grabbing my bouquet of dark red roses and  wrap my arm through her held out one. My black satin heels click lightly down the hall towards the hall that leads out to the wooded path where me and Toby decided to hold the wedding. I look over at her and nod while smiling and the doors swing open, revealing all of my friends and family that were invited standing infront of the logged benches we were supplied with from the venue.

The trees overhead of everything were just sprouting their light pink and white cherry blossoms that mixed perfectly with the small twinkling tealights strung up in its branches. I step out of the path of the dark red rose petals that were dropped by Tori's daughter, Lucy, who was also our flower girl. I look over at my bridal party and see Lynn, Shauna, Marlene, and Christina standing up right by my place. They are all wearing short black dresses with red heels to match the bouquets. The groomsmen include Zeke, Uriah, Caleb and Will. Toby chose Will as his Best man, and I chose Christina as my Maid of Honour, being that they are our two closest friends. Then my eyes land on him. My one true love. My best friend Tobias Eaton. I look in his eyes and he is staring right back. He wipes his mouth as a tear falls down his face, which makes all of my tears that were pooling in my eyes fall. I look at him and laugh a little. Soon enough I am at the altar which is covered in red and white roses. It is all so beautiful. It is perfect. He is perfect.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the love of Tobias Marcus Eaton and Beatrice Edith Prior," the reverend says gesturing to me and my Toby.

I tune out the reverend and stare deeply in my soon-to-be husbands eyes and mouth 'I love you' to him which he mouths back. I turn and give Chrissy my bouquet and grab Toby's hand and squeeze them. He squeezes mine back and mouths 'You looked beautiful' to me which makes me cheeks flush and I slightly bow my head as a thank you.

"Our Bride and Groom have decided to write their own vows today so, Toby would you read yours first?" Toby nods and lets go of my hands to reach into the front pocket of his suit jacket. He pulls out his vows which are coincidentally written on a paper menu with the Dauntless Diner logo on the front.

"I hope you all don't mind but I wrote my vows on a Dauntless Diner menu because it was the first place me and my Tris first said 'I love you' and it will always hold a special place in my heart." Toby finishes saying to the crowd and to me.

I laugh and say, "This isn't possible," Toby looks at me curiously and a little worried and I hold up a finger and grab my vows from my mother, " I wrote mine on a Dauntless Diner menu too."

Toby beams at me while the crowd laughs and clap at the confession. Toby winks at me and looks down at his scratchy handwriting that I adore and clears his throat.

"My dearest Beatrice, I love you unconditionally and without hesitation. I vow to love you, encourage you, trust you, and be honest to you for all of my days. As a family, we will create a home filled with learning, laughter, and compassion for ourselves and our future children. I promise to always be there for you in your times of need and help you be the woman you used to tell me about in our old treehouse. I will cherish this bond we have and promise to tell you each day how much I love you and how much you mean to me, because I don't ever want the Tobias and Beatrice love story to end, knowing that together we will build a life far better than one that I could imagine with someone other than you or one alone. Today, I choose you to be my wife. I accept you as you are, and I offer myself in return, hoping that you will accept me too. I will care for you, stand beside you, and share with you all of life's adventures and hardships that come towards us from this day forward, and all the days to come. I have and always will love you to the moon and back." Tobias was crying and his voice was trembling. I had joined him from the beginning with crying and the tears were steadily streaming down my face. We look at each other through or tears and smile. He reaches up and wipes one of my tears away and I lean my head in his hand.


I unfold my vows and wipe my eyes and read. "My true love,  today, I promise you this: I will laugh with you in times of joy, and comfort you in times of sorrow. I will share your dreams and support you as you strive to achieve your goals. I will listen to you with compassion and understanding and speak to you with words of encouragement. Together, let us build a home filled with learning, laughter, and light, shared freely with all who may live there. Let us be partners, friends and lovers, today and all of the days that follow." I sob slightly at the end and feel Toby grab my hand again. 

"Do you Tobias take Beatrice as your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do," he says smiling at me.

"Do you Beatrice take Tobias as your lawfully wedded husband?

"I do," I beam up at him.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Toby grabs the sides of my face and launches forward and kisses me. When he kisses me I feel as if I can tell just how much he loves me and that our lives will forever be intertwined. He is mine and I am his. That will never change.

No matter what comes between us.


Authors Note

I want to personally thank you all for reading Divergent high and liking and commenting. This was my first story and I am happily surprised by how good it did. I love you all.


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