Chapter 2 - Caliphate of Cordoba

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*Teruel, Caliphate of Cordoba*

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*Teruel, Caliphate of Cordoba*

Heather knew from the off-set that running away never solved anything.

All she had done her entire life is run away from her problems and it brought her nothing but more misery.

Leaving Leon was difficult - she had grown fond of Pedro Lombard and she dreaded to know what Eret would do him now that she wasn't there.

Maybe she should've taken him with her?

But it was Eret - he was the reason she left Leon despite living there happily and merrily for some time.

She left Berk to get away from him and then he found her?

And now leaving Leon...she had to pray he didn't find her this time.

Looking down, she saw civilisation and decided to land in the wood - she had to know if these people were friendly towards dragons or not before she let Firecracker loose.

Climbing off the Nadder's back, she looked around, surveying the area but it was quiet, other than the usual woodland sounds.

There was a path on the ground and Heather decided to follow it. Firecracker tossed out several of her spikes and Heather picked them.

They would be her beacons back to the Nadder who would remain hidden in the woods until further notice.

Now...she needed to find people or a town.

She walked through the woods and focusing all around for anything strange until she heard footsteps.

Originally believing it to be Firecracker, she turned but her dragon was nowhere to be seen.

A twig snapped and Heather grabbed her sword and walked towards the noises.

Pulling a bush apart, her eyes fell upon the makers of the noise.

A young couple were holding hands and talking, it was an emotional conversation, Heather could tell from the way the lady was upset.

She didn't eavesdrop but she could tell that this was a forbidden love.

No couple met so late at night like this.

In fact, she and Eret did the same.

Shaking her head, she removed the pirate from her thoughts as the bushes rustled underneath her.

The man removed his sword and pointed it to towards Heather who cursed. "Who goes there?" His deep voice bellowed in the woods and Heather took several deep breaths before stepping out, her hands raised. "Who are you? Who sent you?" He demanded and Heather shook her head.

"No-one sent me! I'm a traveller, I swear!" She replied and the two lovers before her looked at each other, unconvinced. "I promise!"

The man shook his head and opened his mouth to talk, but heavy footsteps started approaching them from the distance. "They've found us, Juan!" The lady grabbed her lover's arms as Heather looked at them both in turn.

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