A heart?!?!?!???

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Gerard's POV
"Hey Frank...?"
Wow that was awkward. This is gonna be hard to say.
"Yea Gee?"
Oh no
"I'm gay"  my heart has never beat faster and the blood in my veins was rushing like a river.
"Oh" Frank said he looked shocked until it formed into a large smile. "That is great, I am bisexual." He said blushing madly. "Oh cool we can check out guys with each other!" Which was obvious sarcasm. Good going Gerard, good going. When in reality the only person I wanted was Frank.

But I am trash so I'll be single forever.

"Hah yea sounds like a good day" he said laughing a bit before winking. Which obviously made me blush. Great. "So im gonna go get beat up, see you around?"
"Yea I actually have the same plans!" He said before shaking his head while laughing and walking away. Well that went well! 

"Hey look we have the fag!" Said the same guy, which I learned his name is Ian. "What happened your boy toy leave you?!" He said smashing my head into my locker. Damn and it was almost a good day. 
"So we do not feel like talkin today do we?" He said sarcastically.
I was scared and angry. So all I did was shake my head a bit while looking down. He punched me in the nose but not hard enough to allow blood to spill but I could feel it in my nose. "Hah yea I saw that little conversation earlier!" He said. Just at that moment my heart dropped and my face turned even more pale. I did not know that was possible.
But then I saw a girl with black hair ,a lip ring, several tattoos, and a Black Flag shirt. Huh, same one from therapy, but she was behind him. She grabbed the back of his shirt and twisted him around before kicking him in the stomach and pushing him out of the way "GET YOUR HOMOPHOBIA OUT IF HERE YOU SON OF A" she then cut herself off remembering that she was at school. "Oh uh thank you." I said awkwardly. "It was no problem and aren't you Gerard?" She asked tilting her head a little "Yea but I'm sorry I can't really remember your name" and if she were anyone else she would have punched me. "Nah it's alright, but I'm Drue" she said with a big smile across her face. "Nice to see you again but uh I gotta go check on someone so I'll see you later?" Oh god that was awful. "Alright see yah!" She said waving.
G= "How was your day?"
F= "Pretty bad but not that bad I mean I have therapy soon and so do you.
G= "oh right does your mom still believe it ends at 4:30?"
F= "yep!"
G= "Alright see you there!"
F= "see you there beautiful ❤️"
Woa what just happened...
Is that a heart? And beautiful? YES. Okay too much Gerard okay now just reply with a nice response, it probably means nothing. I kept typing in different responses.
G= "Bye ❤️"

Song: Emily,
I do not claim it!


So apparently my moms pregnant
I still feel like is a prank but okay. I'm in shock.

New A.N:

Nope. Not a prank.

It's a girl!

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