Songbird's Calls Lifting Spirits.

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October 31.

Gerard's POV

I rested my head on Frank's shoulder, staring into the pastel colors that glazed the sky hotly, The field was empty, apparently one that he went to when he wanted comfort. The tree branches in the distance split into the sky like daggers. The brambles tied and twisted at our feet and the sage grass stood, trembling in the warm air. Forlorn patches of dusty moss littered the ground like green paint drops on a dusky canvas. Distant bird caws sounded from the woods and smaller birds hopped from bramble to bramble, catching small insects. The sun sank lowly behind the trees and left the clouds pink and the rest of the sky a dark blue ,glinted with early faint stars.

I wanted to be here forever.

I didn't feel hungry.

I didn't feel anything but content and happy.

Then I remembered that both Frank and I were now eighteen.

April had passed.

"Would you consider moving In with me?" I asked turning to him, suddenly feeling awkward about the question. "I would love to." he said, staring out into the sunset again.


If I'm gonna be honest I spent seven hours straight searching for an apartment.

I found one.

It was small yes, but it worked decently.

I was going to check it out tomorrow.

But for now, sleep.


Two pools of honey golden sunlight filled my eyes as they peaked open slightly. With a groan I rolled out of bed and turned to my closet, peering inside for clothes. I chose a deep crimson dress shirt and black jeans. I slipped them on, not used to the tight feeling yet. I brushed my raven locks and brushed my teeth before stumbling down the stairs, almost falling in the process. Mikey and Pete eating blissfully, making me smile slightly. The way Pete looked at Mikey was one of the cutest things I've ever seen. He looked at them like he was seeing them for the first time and falling in love all over again, the same with Mikey. I waved gingerly at them as I walked down the stairs and Mikey just smiled and Pete waved with a quiet hello. Eating was not part of my plan today, despite my hunger and light head. I was hit with the crisp air that blew my hair from m face. The sunset had started to fade and there was only blue skies with a slight yellow tint to it. Still staring at the sky, I walked down the road and looked both ways before crossing. The material of concrete felt rough and hard against my shoes but I tried to ignore the constant clacking of them.

I stared at the apartment with wide eyes. It was rather dreary, beside a railroad. It was a dark gray color and the windows were tinted with dust or fog around the corners. It looked eerie, I like it.


.Two Months later.

Graduation had already happened, I almost fainted.

But I'm okay, so Is Frank.

We share an apartment.

I sat tiredly, scratching my pencil to my paper, the annoying noise was drained by Frank playing the guitar behind me. I turned back and smiled sweetly at him. He winked in response and went back to his guitar.

I had recently cut my hair shorter but kept it black.

I directed my vision to the window. It was littered in clear rain droplets that distorted the sight of the dark forest and rail road that sat out side. Distant sounds of cars ripping down the rain soaked road were barley noticeable so it almost seemed like they were the only people on the universe.

A murder of crows fed and rested their feet on the dark grass, their sleek black feathers getting soaked in cold water as they strutted around.

With a long sigh I crashed onto my bead, feeling the weight sink around me and basking me in the black fuzzy blanket.

"Gerard, it's literally two in the afternoon. get outta bed." Frank mused with a smirk causing me to grin and curl up farther in bed. he walked over quickly and carried me bridal style back to my drawing desk. I huffed and leant over the drawing of a purple flower that faded into pink at the top like a sunset painted onto the petals that strung with each other t create one large and beautiful item of flora.

I flung the paper into the air with enthusiasm "IT'S DONE!" I exclaimed, pulling it back to me. After four days, it felt nice to get it done.

Frank laughed and shook his head. "Can I see?" he asked and outstretched his arm. I nodded and placed the drawing into his hand and he smiled, nodded and handed it back.


I curled into bed, feeling the warmth surround me. Frank rested beside me. He had been having horrible dreams about Sophie in which I would have to wake him. He would wake up frantic before laying back down.

Tonight was no different.

He had started to tremble and then he sobbed, which turned to screams. I prodded his side causing him to fly up with his eyes wide. I gently placed a hand to his chest and leant him back down.

"She forgives you."

" I know but, she could have had , a job, friends, and a family but I ruined it for her!" he snapped angrily and anxiously.

"Everything happens for a reason. Like when I decided to ask you where the principal's office was. Look where that got us. It happened for a reason.
That reason was to test your ability to recover. Now prove life wrong. I'll help you."

My voice faded into a whisper like the ocean turning into a lacy foam against the pale sand before rushing back out into the deep blue and out against the sand again

He nodded sadly and turned against me. I wrapped an arm over his shoulder and pulled him impossibly closer.

"I love you, frank."

"I love you too, Gerard."





I'm not ready.

So Long and Goodnight

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