After every dark night there is a sunrise

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Frank's POV

I groaned as my alarm clock that I had meant to turn off many days ago beeped loudly and I rolled over causing me to hit the hard floor. I lifted myself up weakly and walked to the full body mirror that rested against the wall and threw my reflection back at me. Once I looked down I saw that I had left my old clothes from yesterday on so I just shrugged and walked into the kitchen.  No one was home but there was still a pot of coffee waiting on the counter. I picked out a small white coffee mug and poured the warm liquid into the mug and breathed in the smell of of the warm unhealthy drink before I sat it down on the counter. 

I had popped the bread in the toaster and now I just feel like sleeping, eating and watching movies.


I knew I had to get ready when I got the message from Gerard saying

"Hey you ready for therapy?"

in which of course I still have to attend.

"yea, meet you there!"

Man I do not wanna go but hey I can at least get out of the house. I ran a brush through my black hair and dropped the brush on the table before running off into the still dreary weather. It nipped at my skin as I walked along my route . Small glassy looking droplets of water splayed across the green blades of grass beautifully. A raven broke the silence with it's eerie call as it spread it's wings across the light sky and swooped into the chilled air. A red car swung by quickly and sprayed some water onto the concrete behind me. A long sigh escaped my lips that swirled into the area in a mist of a gently flowing river that swept it's currents skyward.  Hunger chewed at my insides like a caged wolf eating a piece of raw fleshy meat.  I walked into the parking lot of the plain building and passed the dead rose bushes that perched outside of the glass door as some type of guard. As soon as I was in I was hit with the stench of cleaning products but the only thing to distract me was Gerard sitting in one of the crimson chairs with golden studs lining the arm rests like a throne. He quickly stood at the sight of me and I forced a smile onto my chapped lips. Of course I was happy to see him but I just felt numb and cold  and almost like my emotions had just flown away or sped off like the car and bird from before. "Hey Frank" Gerard said with a smile sewn onto his lips ."Hey Gee" I replied, trying to sound as cheery as possible.

The woman that I sadly knew as familiar called everyone in and I observed as her red sticky lipstick pulled her lips when she talked but something seemed different. I looked at her in confusion, she had the same black curly hair and gray dress but.... ah there it was her hair had a red tie in it. With a slight nod of satisfaction on what I had discovered I walked into the "Therapy Group Session Area" with a feeling of slight dread in the pit of my stomach. We did roll call as normal and only grew nervous when it was my turn but she skipped me, most likely realizing that I had beads of sweat forming on my forehead the closer it got to me. She then went around asking how everyone felt today and everyone said either, "Horrible" or "Good" exept me of course who said "Numb." Which earned a wary glance from Gerard. She went into something about self expression but I was not interested so I just stared blankly at the gray carpet. My gaze flicked to the small window that hung on the wall like a painting that led to another dimension of color and lively feelings. Beyond the glass was water laced strands of green grass and the edge of a broken down forest willed with stumps and scrawny trees. 

Humans ruin everything.

We capture anything we find fits under the label of  beautiful , and lock it up just for us to see it's beauty. No matter what it is, a vase of flowers, a caged bird, an animal at a pound, even a cow in a field. We only use these things for ourselves not caring if this is killing the creature and all we are doing is putting it in a tight painful enclosure and watching it die! Humans are disgusting no matter what, we all have horrible corrupt thoughts and only some people can contain them.

Actually in a way our minds and thoughts are just another one of those caged things only sometimes this is a good thing. I know Gerard is suicidal, I see his arms and glossy eyes and he does not need to tell me that for me to know. At this thought I laced our fingers through each other and kept staring straight forward. The lady stood up and dismissed us all and I shot up quickly and walked into the waiting room. I looked over into Gerard's eyes and stared into the two beautiful pools in his skull, they were a majestic blend of the color of life, green, and the color of the absence of life, brown. Despite the oddity of the colors being close by each other, the colors they danced perfectly and all shot to the pupil. I broke eye contact and kissed his cheek before treading away into the chilling air.

Sorryyyyyyyyyyyyy short chapter but I have a gr8  idea  for next chapter so I wanted to get this out first.

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