Crow's drooping heavy wings.

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{Kind of  a weird chapter?}

Frank's POV

I stared blankly at the sky, the clouds fluttering in the blue like white feathers on a pond. The willow Tree's branches swayed softly like silky green ribbons hanging from the rough bark. The leaves were green despite it being February 1, the tree was odd. Yes, I had seen the leaves wilt and fade from the lively green to a lifeless decaying brown. Brambles tangled with each other and bracken hung lazily over the mess of brown below it. 

The sun streamed from the sky in dim honey beams that shone from the clouds as if it were a flashlight being held against a flower petal. A cold breeze rushed through the air and made everything lean over and sent ripples throughout the puddles. 

A kettle of vultures rested on the trees steady branches and glared across the field, searching for a dead carcass. I let out a sigh that let left a billowing sheer cloud of mist in the blue sky. Despite the warmth of the sun it was still cold.

The silence was broken by footsteps crunching flora in the distance. I picked my head up off the scratchy ground and saw Gerard walking to the tree. I smiled warmly at him as he sat down and pressed his back against the brown bark of a tree.

"Hey Frankie."

"Hey Gee."

"So how has life been?" he asked calmly, gazing out into the empty field with green strands hanging in front of it, splitting the image. "Decent, You?" I said tiredly as we laced our fingers into each other's. "Pretty well. Pete is staying at our house cause his is kinda... ashes and is parents are on a five moth trip. They literally just left him there." he said sighing. I nodded in understanding and allowed my gaze to drag to him, his cheeks were hollowed and dark while his ribcage was ridged and bony.  I really want him to eat.

We sat, doing nothing but sharing our thoughts for at least two hours.

Doing nothing but sitting under a tree.

Saying something stupid then laughing about it.

I wished I could be this happy forever.

I want it to last.

But I know it will fade away into darkness like a sunset.

So I need to savor the colors before it goes dark.

My mind wandered into everything and anything. 

One of the thoughts being that,

We either won't see a sunrise or sunset. One day will be cut short. That day will be the end of you're life. No sunset or sunrise to mark it. Just an unsteady dot in the middle. Unless you by some chance die at this time. I want to die during a sunset, that way I will never has to fade back into darkness again. Although night has a breathtaking beauty of the silver moon, glinted with gray dents. The stars that tremble in the sky and the dark figures that loom around you and the tree tops that aren't visible against the back canvas that stands above you, t is mysterious. You can't see what is around you. and maybe sometimes you don't want to see what's around you, kids starving, animals being beaten and things that are much worse. Although I don't want to die during broad daytime. That's when you see everything with no pastel colors to distract you from it or darkness to conceal it. 

Gerard noticed my uneasy mood and squeezed my hand, causing me to smile at him before being dragged back into thought like a rushing river's current pulling you and slamming coldly against your skin.


[At Frank's House now]

I sighed, shutting the front door before flopping down onto the couch and feeling myself sink into the battered material. "Hey Frank!" my mom exclaimed, walking into the living room. "Hey Mom." I said tiredly, my voice drooping like a cobweb hanging off a twig. "I did some shopping! We have a thirty- six pack of waters, some bread, fruits and a snack for you. Sorry, I couldn't get much more." she said in one breath, extending her arm to reveal a Twix bar. I smiled softly at her and thanked her before staring at the spot the TV used to be, we sold it to get more money. donna has been slipping her more pay than normal assistants would but we are thankful for it. Donna works as a reporter and writes the newspaper, my mom helps her just find the good things to report on, takes some of the photos and cleans the office. We had recently put Gerard's drawing up in my room and I had been using my camera on small stuff, like a rain droplet scattered leaf or fog billowing around a wild flower ect. ect. ect. .

Yes, it was hard basically living off water, bread and fruit but I'm glad we have. I have Gerard at least. that is all I need.



Well sorry for not updating I have a bit of writer's block in this story. okay this is gonna be a long author's note so be prepared.

Okay so 'The New Generation' will be delayed longer due to 'Murderous Alliance' being pushed back by my report. The delay may be over four months, I'm sorry.

Once I finish this fic I will do a 'One shots' book consisting of the stupid short  Frerard stories I write and some other horror stories and stuff like that, you know?

anyway the next part you don't have to read but I find it entertaining.

Okay so  was about to get in the shower and the drain doesn't really work so it was a little full but not very. I almost fell in but caught myself then when I turned back around to the faucet, There was a house centipede on the faucet. I then recoiled, threw my shirt back on, left the water running and ran out of the bathroom yelling "NOPE NOPE NOPE!" so then no one was home and I went back in to stop the water and the bug was gone.

I took a shower in my mom's shower.

Those things scare me more than Teenagers. 

which I don't fully understand because there was a snake in the yard so I picked it up and moved it yet I can't get anywhere around a house centipede

Pretty pathetic, huh?

So Long And Goodnight

Thank You.

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