An Unbearable Sight.

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[I'm sorry]

{Yes there is Gerard drinking in this but I can't really call it a trigger warning so... yea. Be aware}

Frank's POV


No I have to be dreaming.

The sight in front of me was some blonde kissing Gerard.

He looked rather disgusted and his eyes were open, making me feel slightly better but....

Was I not good enough for him?!

She pulled away with an angry expression and said something. He nodded miserably and kissed with his eyes closed but with a slight grimace.
My knees buckled and tears stung my eyes like a wasp. The world felt like a forest that was being chopped down, no one to hear my heavy screams over the constant sound of breaking trees that smashed to the ground in a fury of wood chips. The trees just kept felling all around me and my screams were still silent, to a point where I questioned if I was screaming. I wasn't. It was the voices in my head screaming. The trees kept falling all around me but I couldn't move. The birds flung their blood soaked wings to the sky and took off. The trees had been cleared now. The horizon was visible, the trees that had not been broken still in the distance and were splitting into the white sky like daggers piercing skin. A coked sob came from my throat and I could barely feel my legs pumping to get me away. I found myself running onto an unseen path that only two people knew but I didn't allow myself to say his name even in my mind. I ran through the woods, passing trees that  towered solidly over me and were unmoving despite my spinning mind. I ran into a field and felt the brambles hitting my legs but I kept running until I found the willow tree.

I crashed painfully beside it and allowed my sobs to escape my throat in a mix of screams and loud gasping breaths. The limbs of the willow tree swayed gently in the wind, it was calming but not calming enough to help me. 

I grabbed my phone and clicked his  contact.

"Have fun with your girlfriend?"


"Oh you know what I'm talking about"

"No I don't!"

"Blonde cheerleader? In an alleyway next to the school. I saw you"

"Frank, I swear I can explain"

"Then come to the willow tree."

I threw my phone down and started off into the sky.

I didn't want to hear his explanation.

So I left.

Gerard's POV

No no no!

I did this to protect him!

[Flashback, I hate having to do flashbacks but this needs one]

"So, Gerard" she cooed. "What?!" I snapped agitated by he even being around me. "I'm gonna give this ONE explanation, no repeats" She said facing me suddenly. "You kiss me, whenever I want it and I don't call the jocks and make them give Frank Hell" She said squeezing my shoulder in anger but her face remained calm, almost like she enjoyed my pain. She did. She is a snake. No that is an offence to snakes. 

"W- what do you mean by giving him hell?" I stuttered helplessly. "I'll make it to where is nothing but a shard of broken glass, to where if you try to help him you'll cut your finger and bleed" She said with a stupid devious smile on her lips. I nodded tiredly and I just wanted to leave. She smashed her lips into mine and shoved her tongue down my throat. She pulled away with anger evident on her face. "Remember what I said about Frank and kiss me."

{end of flashback}

My lungs climbed for air like someone trying to climb a mountain only to find the cold air hitting their lungs as they stared around at the tops of the clouds until they faint and fall back down to their demise. I then made it to the willow tree. 

No one was there.

So I waited.

I knew he wasn't coming back.

But I could at least hope. 

Guilt boiled in the pit of my stomach and left me sobbing. I knew I shouldn't have done it but I couldn't stand to think of him getting hurt. He has been through so much and I want to help him but I just f*cked it all up again. 


I stared into the fading sunset as the star sank under the black blotch of trees. The sunset was a brilliant mash of blue, pink purple, yellow and orange. It looked like a chalk pasted drawing from the way they all separated each other but hung close still showing the connection between the colors and not breaking it. I laid down and turned my head to the darker part of the field, where the sunset was long gone and was only a rowan blue starless sky.

I would wait there forever.

Even if he never came.

Just the thought of knowing he was once there was enough to make me stay.

and I know my mom needs me, so does Mikey and Pete who was staying at our house since his parents hadn't returned yet. I just wanted to lay there. But I wanted Frank  there with me. I grabbed alcohol out of my bag and stared at it for a moment before gulping down it and enjoying the burning sensation in my throat and the feeling of it being burned raw. I drank more and watched as the world turned into a mess of colors and movements. My head was spinning and swirling while my limbs felt numb and unable to move. I felt  the pain and sorrow leave my body and a hot prickly sensation surround me like a mass of thorns. Black splotches crowded my eyes like ink blotching onto a page and then everything went black.

I drank on an empty stomach and passed out there.


Frank's POV

I found myself walking to the willow tree, searching for something to calm me. Over the night my mind had wandered like a lost dog and made up excuses for him but I knew none of them were true. 

I stepped into the field and walked closer and closer to the tree, my feet aching with each step. Despite the brightness of today it felt like a dark blanket was tied around my body and I was searching for a spot to escape.

Gerard was there.

He was sleeping with a tear stained face, hair falling over the pale and rosy skin of his cheeks. Bottles of booze were scattered around and sent their strong scent into the wind. I sat down beside him, enjoying being around him. He stirred and his hazel eyes flew open. He shot up and put his hand to the bridge of his nose until he noticed me. He seemed shocked with a deer I headlights expression and pulled out a bottle of pain-killers and took one dry. I snarled my lip at him and he gave me a saddened expression. "She said if I didn't kiss her she would call the jocks on you." he said barley loud enough for me to hear. His head fell and he stared at the ground in shame. My heart dropped into my stomach at his words. I lifted his chin gingerly up with two fingers and locked our eyes before placing a hand on his heart. "Are you lying to me?" I asked slowly, never breaking his gaze. "No." He said with a still and stern tone. His heart beat never picked up, he never looked flustered, and he never broke my gaze. I nodded and stared into his eyes once more.

"Why did you do it?" 

"I didn't want to see you in pain."

"I'm always in pain."

"But I never want to be the cause of it."



also Bring Me The Horizon is gr8 and so is Shane Dawson .

oH! and Dan and Phil need to be included somewhere in this story.

I'll get on that.

So Long And Goodnight.

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