Chapter 3- The New Guy

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Hello the picture above is how the new guy looks. Also enjoy this chapter. Sorry in advance if I make a error or misspelling.

Hikaru POV

I arrive at school today and ran into class to meet up with Y/N before class started to talk as usual. Once I got to near the entrance to our class I could see Y/N by her desk and was about to shout her name when I came closer and noticed some guy talking to her. I had never seen him before so I thought "He must be a new student or something like that....but why is he talking to her." I noticed something that Y/N never does with anyone besides me. "She is smiling and laughing, could she like him already. No." I thought. I shook that thought out of my head and went into the class trying to avoid Y/N's sight and not looking in her direction. But of course that backfired when I heard a small and soft voice say "Hey Hikaru-kun, come here." I was a bit hesitant to turn around since I knew who the voice was from. When I turned I saw Y/N waving at me and hinting me to come over there. I went to them and for a few seconds was staring angrily at that guy.

Your POV

I had arrived to class a bit early and when I got into class I only saw one person there. I was hesitant to go in, but realized that I didn't recognize this guy  from our class. I went in and said "Kon'nichiwa. Excuse me for asking, but who are you?" He was facing the window and I guess heard me and turned around. I was shocked a bit of how he looked like. "Wow he is handsome and cute how is that possible. Stop staring Y/N, just stop, but I can't he is too handsome to stop," I thought to myself. He was a bit shy at first, but finally said "Kon'nichiwa" I snapped out of my trans when he spoke and heard him again speak and say in a deep but calming voice "Kon'nichiwa again I am Izo Kuti, what is your name." I immediately said "Oh nice to meet you my name is Y/N." We shook hands and honestly his hands were really soft for being a guy. We were standing near one of the doors of the classroom and were having a conversation about ourselves. He made me laugh and was the first person that talked to me normally in a while besides Hikaru. Speaking of Hikaru, I saw him with the corner of my eye and called out to him. I waved my hand telling him to come near us and he seemed a bit off. He was hesitant well I guess maybe he thought that it was weird for someone to be talking to me besides him. I turned to Izo and saw that he had the most adorable eye smile ever. I just turned to Hikaru and continued to remain calm.


When Y/N called over a random guy. I was confused, but remain just smiling to him. As he arrived near me I could feel a him staring deep into my soul and it was a bit unsettling. Y/n introduced us and said cutely "Okay Hikaru this is Izo, and Izo this is Hikaru my best friend." I didn't notice I did this, but I sighed in relief that he wasn't her boyfriend. I didn't feel like having to start a fight on my first day here. I was about to say something when

*Ding ding*

That terrified me and I jumped getting on my knees on the ground when I heard that noise. I guess they noticed this and Hikaru started to laugh at me.
Y/n on the other hand got down to my level on the ground and patted my shoulder worried saying  "What's wrong? Oh wait did the bell scare you? Are you alright?" I suddenly felt so embarrassed and could feel my face getting as red a strawberry. So I put my head to my knees and just nodded. After that I calmed down and stood up. "'s like you have never heard a bell before by the way you jumped," Hikaru said laugh, but suddenly was elbowed in the stomach by Y/n.

"Ow what was that for Y/n!"

"Don't be so rude Hikaru..."

I managed to speak without showing my anger towards Hikaru. "Don't worry about me
Y/n he is partially right. I have never actually been in a real school before. This is my first time having the chance to experience and have a social life." Y/n and Hikaru stayed quite at that announcement and they stayed that way until the teacher came in a few seconds later. "Okay devils, I mean class go to your seats now." Everyone took a seat including me. "Before we begin we have a new student today. Please stand and introduce yourself." I stood up and said in a confident voice "Kon'nichiwa my name is Izo Kuti, I am from Daegu, Korea. Hope you will take good care of me." I could hear students immediately talking about me and staring at me. I heard some of the girls saying things like "Damn he is hot. I am totally calling dibs on him. In your dreams he is mine." Here these words coming from the girls mouths made me blush a bit and I sat down covering my face from people. "Okay nice to meet you and hopefully you are not a trouble maker, but anyways lets start class....blah..blah..blah."

During the whole class period I could feel people staring at me, but I tried to ignore it.

*End of class*

The bell rung again and I got scared again but I didn't show I was scared this time. I walked out of class and before I turned the corner I felt someone pull me back. I turned to see who it was, but it was Y/n.

She is surprisingly strong for a girl.

I thought as she asked "Hey want to sit with me and Hikaru for lunch today." She was too adorable to resist so I said "Yeah sure why not." I was following behind Y/n towards the cafe, mostly because I had no idea where the cafe was. Before we got there I said "Hey I will be back I have to use the restroom." She just turned and nodded as I walked away.

A while later I came out of the bathroom to be pinned to the wall with both hands behind my back by some guys and one girl. "Oh great so this is the new guy. He is pretty cute to be honest," she said with a smirk on her face.

"W...what do you want from me huh," I said nervously. "She came closer to my face and said........


Cliffhanger Muahaha...I am so evil. But if you want to find out what she wants read the next chapter that I will post soon. Anyways hope you enjoyed and leave recommendations that you have for the story. Peace out!!

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