Chapter 13

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"Kupid your parents are here saying that you haven't been home and they have been extremely worried."

I roll my eyes crossing my arms. Yeah if extremely worried means that they never really cared about me at all then yeah you're right.

"Kupid where have you been we thought we would never see you again." My mother said. I could see right through her and she wasn't fooling me.

"Why are you really here?" I looked at them suspicious.

My father spoke with a fake soft tone "Son we are here to take you home. Where have you been we have been looking all over for you and..."

"STOP LYING!!" I yelled glaring at them with my eyes feeling watery. "You really think that I will fall for that act again? Do you monsters really think I am that oblivious to what you are really here for!"

"Kupid please calm down." My mother said standing up.

I had felt like I heard enough lies coming from her mouth "No! I am not listening to a word you say. The only one I consider my family is Ayeong. She treats me like a real family member should. Unlike you that..."


"Don't yell at us like that you ungrateful brat!" My father yelled clearly angry.

All I felt was the stinging on my left cheek. I bit my lip glaring at him and said with a deep and low tone "Go ahead. Hit me again. Reveal what is really hiding behind those fake smiles and concerns you have for me."

The principal seemed shocked at what was presented to him.


I heard a loud noise and hurried inside. I slowly walked to see Kupid and his parents yelling at each other angrily. I walked up to them and back hugged Kupid.

"Ayeong...." He hugged me tightly. Having him in my embrace was really comforting and soothing.

"Who are you?" Who I presumed to be his mother asked annoyed.

"Rude much. I am Ayeong his friend/adopted sister of Kupid and who the hell do you think you are thinking you can hit  him like that..." I glared pissed off at all of them.

"You're just talking a lot of nonsense now Kupid we are going home. Now!" She reached to grab his arm. I smacked her hand and pulled Kupid closer to me "You are not taking him anywhere. He doesn't want to go with you."

"Principal have this girl arrested she is trying to steal and kidnap our precious son." She fake cried.

"Precious? Oh so now you feel like he is part of your family. Also I am not kidnapping him. I am replacing all the harm and damage you have caused him with love and attention like Kupid deserves. So go ahead call the cops. We can show them how his so-called family abuses him!" I yelled at her.

"You have no proof that we did anything to him."

"That's not true!" Kupid yelled. "I do have proof besides the scars I have all over me. I have hospital reports and video footage of you hitting me." Pulls out his phone. "So go ahead call them!"

I was surprised by Kupids actions but I nodded. Outside we could here police cars arriving. I could tell that his parents looked terrified. They along with their older son ran out of the office. I couldn't just let them get away so I nodded at Kupid and ran with him after the family.

'Hopefully we can catch them before they escape......'

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