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Welcome to Story Ideas!

Ideas for almost every genre created by yours truly. From ideas to prompts to descriptions to even just 1 word, these ideas were made from my imagination.

Many times, I end up using my limited free time to think up of new ideas as a way to relieve my stress from daily life. I would think up of possible characters, scenarios, the settings where the story will take place, etc. and jot them down on a piece of paper. Unfortunately, I'm too busy to actually develop these ideas properly, let alone turn the idea into an actual full-length story. It's hard to balance a personal life, book review requests and actual story writing.

These random ideas would end up either being crushed into a ball and chucked into a waste paper basket or written on a notebook and shoved aside. They end up being neglected and forgotten. So... I decided, why not share them with everyone else! I might not be able to utilise these ideas but I'm sure someone else would be happy to use them. These are just ideas so anyone can lay claim to them without causing fights for plagiarism.

You don't need to ask for permission BUT please comment and vote on the story idea to tell me if you want to use it. It would be nice to know who wants to use my ideas. 😊

I treat each and every single one of my ideas as my babies. I treasure them. Please give me credit in your book if you actually used the idea/prompt/description/etc.

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