Just Fun

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Tyler's P. O. V.

I saw delirious and y/n gaming and I got pissed. Why didn't they tell us they were recording.

"Yo what's up?!" I crashed into their call and they jumped. "Fuck that scared me!" Jon yelled and she laughed

"BOI WE GON PLAY YOU COMING?" Y/n shouted and I loaded the game. "We need another one more. Should I call evan?" She smiles.

"Yeah sure." She says and we get him on the call. "Heyy guys!" He says and we replied back. "Yo!"."heyyo"."supp"

"Alright! ME AND DELIROUS ONE TEAM.  YOU AND TYLER ONE TEAM." Evan shouted as usual and we chuckle.

"Ready to slam them Tyler?" I asked and he wheezes. "Slam them yea sure" they chuckle and we spawned.

"Aye look who it is." Jon says looking at my character."fuck I suck at this game." I whisper and Tyler being an asshole makes me go first.

"Well it's delirious and y/n on a 1v1 situation." Tyler starts to commentate while I try to remember the shit controls .

Delirious suddenly jumps and attack me making him lose his stamina. I took that as a chance to hit him again and again. Spamming whatever I could.

"NOOO!" he screamed as he was having 1 health left. I slammed him down and We had to take out evan.

"Alright. Here we go man." Evan laughs and he hits Tyler. I just wait for them to fight finish.

"FUCK Y/n YOU HAVE TO KILL HIM" He screams and she quickly hits him from behind. "Wha? YOU FUCK!" He turns and hits her back.

Y/n's P. O. V.

"Shittt" I shouted and smacked him(his character.) ."Bro.. Why in the hell would you do that?" Tyler wheezes.

"Hahaha your so stupid!" I yell and he kills me instantly. Too confident I guess.

"Sorry what was that?" Evan proudly asks and I feel that he's smirking. "Eh.. You suck." I giggle and he chuckles.

"Look at dat. We're doing good Tyler!" I yell and he wheezes. "Your 1 and 1. I'm 3 and 1. Of course I'm doing good." He smirks and I smack the keyboard.

"this is my first time!" I shouted and he wheezes. "Yeah right. You suck at this game even if it's your first time." He argues and I raged.

"YOUR FUCKING SHIT TOO TYLER!" I left the call and they were silent.

Tyler's P. O. V.

"You really pissed her off this time tyler!" Jon groans.

"Shit.. I didn't mean to.." I softly say and we hear a chair being thrown in the other room.

"That's y/n.." Evan says and I groan quietly heading towards her room. I hesitated at first. Should I open?

The door slams open and she stood there. "Y/n.. I'm sorry." I look down and apologize.

Her eyes widened. I never apologize. Not for making anyone rage or shouting at them.

But I never made cat this mad. It made me feel bad. I don't want her to be mad at me.

"It's.. Fine." She breathes out and I hug her. She was short. Like 6 foot. So she hugged my waist. Her head on my chest.

I was tall. Taller then the rest of the boys. That's why I adored y/n. The only short one was Scotty aka Fourzeroseven.

Who was about 5 foot 7. We all adored her alot. No matter how retarded she was.

"Alright.. Ready to play or.? " I asked and she hits my arm. "I'm done for today. I have enough footage to edit." She smiles and heads down.

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