The Youtube Prom

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Evan's P. O. V.

I love her. That's all I had to say. She can say whatever she wants but I'm madly in love.

I can't stop looking at her. I want her to be mine. Mine only. The car.. Incident was just.. Let's not go there.

Y/n makes it not awkward at all. It's so different yet weird. Did it mean anything to her?

I hold her hand as I got out of the car and adjusted my tie. I pulled her hand but she hesitated to move.

"Hey.. I promise if anything happens I'll be there with you." I kiss her cheeks and she sighs her face shaded with pink.

"Guys we're here!" I shout and the crowd woo's at the both of us. "About time! Where have you both been?" Craig asks and I smile.

"Traffic bitch." Y/n smirked and I place a hand around her waist.

Y/n's P.O.V.

"yea ! Whatever let's dance cmon!" Luke pulls my arm and evan follows.

He signalled over to me that I'm fine. I sigh before casually moving to the beat. A man with red hair came down the long stairs and looked at us.

I smiled and shook his hand. "Y/n, nice to meet you!" He says formally and evan takes his hand.

"Evan fong? Or vanoss? I'm (YouTube Creator or founder) and it's nice to meet you all. Come with me." He led us upstairs.

I held onto Evan's hand and he smiled. A genuine one. It was cute.

"So your crew has actually done a big part of YouTube by gaining the amount of views in each of your video and the gaming category has really expanded since. And for this we are giving you guys tickets to Greece to enjoy yourselves as a celebration vacation. Everything will be paid for and you will be leaving in 2 days so I hope this makes you happy for cooperating with our company."

We all stared at him like he was nuts.
The girls started to scream in joy and I laughed. "Look now I get to spend more time with you.. In the room" I whispered towards evan.

"Don't worry my doors open." he licks his lips and I push him away thanking the founder and going to the dance floor.

I took a seat down and relaxed a little.
Evan grabs my hand and pulls me to the dance floor. "Shit evan.. I don't wanna dance" I whispered.

"It's alright I got you." He smiles again making me slowly melt. I held onto his firm shoulders and he held onto my waist.

"See your doing good already?" He laughs and his nose was already touching the side of my cheek. He closed his eyes and I did the same.

"How much was it?" I asked and he stares at me. "The ring?" He looks away smiling. "That doesn't matter.. As long as your happy I'll be happy."

That caught me off guard. This owl is too caring? Is he going to pull something off?

"I'm not going to do anything to you, I don't want to hurt you anymore like before.." Evan looked me in the eye.

"Evan.." I lean against his chest and he rests his chin on my head. "I got you cake. Don't worry." He whispers softly and I feel a wave of relief flow over me.

"I'll go grab a drink. Wait here!" He suddenly jolts to the bar and orders looking directly at me from across.

I crossed my leg over and looked at the couples walking to the stage. "Wow" I'd always love to find someone.

But I could never mainly because I was a gamer and never had the time for a boyfriend.

"alright! I'm back with 2 cocktails" he hands a glass to me and I place it down. "Hey um evan?" I called out to him and he snapped his head towards Me.

"What's up?" He asked his face going pink slightly. "Can we get out of here..please?" I nervously looked around.

"Okay? Sure cmon" I hold onto his arm and he takes me to his car. The car ride was silent till I spoke up.

"Take a left and go straight." I tell him and he tilts his head in confusion. "Uh cat our house is to the right." He says and I groan.

"Left and straight!" I softly tell him and he does what I say. He soon reaches and looks shocked at .. My house.

"Why are we here y/n?" He asks and I kept silent. "Who lives here?" He asks again and I sigh loudly. "Me. This was my house. A simple homey house and a comfortable one to get back to."

I open the door and it was spotless. Not a spec of dust. It was pretty big and looked small from the outside.

"Woah? You live here? Wow!" He walks around in astonishment and I stare at him weirdly. "Your house is a mansion. I have an average house evan!" He laughs loudly.

"Yeah but yours feels Like home." He smiles and my face turn red. "really?" I asked and he nods before wandering around.

I ran upstairs and grabbed my suitcase and packed my clothes in. I hear a bark and I ran downstairs immediately.

"Y/n!!" Evan shouted and I laughed. My Siberian husky was barking at him as he's was on the ground. I help evan up and he dusts himself off.

"Nightmare, down boy!" I ordered and it calmed down. "Wait, his name is Nightmare?" He asks me like I was okay or just not okay..

"Yep. He's truly a fucking nightmare and an asshole to take care of but I love em. " I chuckle and he laughs. "Alright done getting your stuff?" He asks and I nod showing him my 2 suitcases.

We got out of the house and I leaned on the chair. "Hey y/n?" I looked at him and he leans in suddenly kissing my cheeks.

He turns to the road and drives off. I sat there stunned. Speechless. I don't know what to do. I know I got that before but I was hyped.

He kissed me..? YEE! Omf.. I got a kisssss. Ah I need to calm myself. Oof.

"Hey you alright?" He huskily asks me and I sucked my breath in. "Yes." That's all I said and he wraps his hand over mine.

"We'll be home soon." He reminds me and I roll my eyes. "Yeah.. Soon."

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