The hotel room

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-After the whole plane ride-

Tyler's P. O. V

"Alright! We have made it!" Craig smiles and I hug Kelly. "Okay there he is." Suni points towards the man with the cardboard,  'youtube'.

"Please come this way." He brings us to the car and we drive to the hotel.
"Yo..look at that! " Luke shockingly points and we see the hotel.

"That's where we are living?" Ryan asks and the driver nods. "Wait so how's the hotel like?" I ask and he smiles.

"It's only a couple hotel. One bed.. King and a scenery to die for." He says and they smile at each other. I looked at cat and evan.

He smiled at her and she looks away.
What a cute couple. I actually ship it now. "Alright we here." He points and we get out.

"These are your rooms." He hands us a shit ton of keycards. "Have a nice stay!" He yells and the next customer proceeded.

"Alright me and Kelly a room
Lui and mae
Brock and Lauren
Lanai and Brian
Jacklyn and Nogla
Jonathan and Blu
Luke and sammy(random)
Marcel and Simone
Craig and Suni
and.. Evan with.. Y/n?" I suggested and cat looks at evan.

"Do you want a separate room y/n?" Nogla asks and she shakes her head. "I'm good. I'll be fine." She smiles and Kelly sighs.

"Are you sure?" Simone asks and she just chuckles waving it off. "Alright let's go unpack!" Lui shouts running toward his room.

I entered the room and noticed there were candles and roses around the Bed. Sweets and chocolates around the table.

A wine bottle with 2 glasses there. A secenery of the ocean. A bathub and some bathrobes.

And a condom packet in the fuckin drawers. I mean it is a couples hotel.
I kiss Kelly and bring her towards the room.

"really?" She looks at me and I pout. She gets on the bed and signals me. I immediately smirk and stood ontop of her.

Evan's P. O. V.

"Look I found a condom!" She laughed and I smirked. "No." She pushes me and i hug her. "Free roses.. Candles.. Aroama and wine.. With chocolates. What could go wrong?" I kissed her neck.

"Cmon get changed we are supposed to go for dinner." She smirks and strips getting into the bathroom.

I sat down and started to play with my phone. Messing around I heard loud thuds and knocks from the opposite room which Tyler was in.

A maid walked by the room and I stopped her. "Uh.. If I could enquire.. Is our room soundproof?" I shyly ask and she smirks.

"Yes actually. Your room and the room down the row is the only ones left which are soundproof." I thank her and jump excitedly. Jon's room is soundproof too?

I leaned against Tyler's door to hear what's going on and backed up immediately. "HARDER BABE"

"Wow guess who fucked?" I laughed to myself and noises erupted from each room. "ALL OF THEM?" I stared wide eyed and got back into my room.

I wish I could ask her out.. Maby I will.. Today. Out in the night...beautiful sceneries. It would be perfect.

She comes out of the shower and only wearing a bathrobe. She locks the room door while I wait outside.

She opens after a while and I look at her. She was wearing a baby doll white gown and it looked beautiful.
She looked like a goddess.

"Woah." I gasp and she smiles and looking at me. "Niccee right?" I smiled nodding and getting into the bathroom.

I changed and went out to see Tyler and Jon standing at the elevator. I wave getting their attention.

"Wow.. Got your girl ready?" Jon smirks and I chuckle. "Says the nutjobs who fucked the whole time." They both place a hand over their chest dramatically.

"How?" They both gasped. "Tyler's was obviously loud. Jon's was a guess." I admitted and Tyler wheezes.

"Dude I thought my room was soundproof." Tyler groans and I giggle.

"Its only mine and jons." Tyler frowns and crosses his arms. "What a lucky bitch.". The girls return back and I grab cats hand.

-The Dinner with Tyler, Jon and Evan-

We sat down around the table and I ran my hand over her thighs and she grins mad at me.

We continued to have a shit ton of food and conversed on a lot of off topic conversations.

Y/n was busy talking to Blu and getting to know more about her. Me on the other hand was just completely worried about the move I am going to make.

What if she rejects me? I cant lose her not now.. Not ever. I can never get her back if she did reject me.

"Alright lets leave. I'm getting way too tired." Tyler smiles and we stand up.  Paid for the meal and now the confession.

"Y/n.." I hold my breath in and she looks at me. "Yes evan?" She asks and I hold her hand. Lucky there was no one at the beach.

"I love you." I blurted out and she smashes her lips against mine like in an instant. "I lo-ve you to-o eva-n.." She hugs me and I kiss her forehead.

"I've loved you ever since you were sixteen and I could never forget you. Everything you do for me I would cherish. I love you baby girl. I wont let you go easily either." I admitted and she tears lying next to my shoulder.

She leans and kisses me. She immediately sunk into it and I grabbed her tilting my head and kissing her like I meant it.

"So we're a thing huh? That's really cool!" She shyly blushes and I looked at her. She was so adorable about this.

"That means you belong to ME." I hold her hand and she laughs. "Yep and you belong only to me." She sternly says and I smirk.

"Guys-" Jon stops and looks at us. Y/n immediately shoves her red face into my chest. "Wait.. What are you guys doing?" Tyler smirks clearly he already knows.

"Shes mine." I smile and pecked her cheeks. "Don't put it t-that wa-y!" She stutters and Jon gives a low chuckle. He hugs me and smiles widely.

"Hey look at that!  Finally the ship has sailed I'm happy for you guys!" Kelly screamed and hugged her.

"Thanks guys.. I hope the rest are okay with this." She sadly looks down. Why is she upset?  Someone scolded her? Threatened my lil baby owl?

"They'll be okay with this. Relax cmon let's head back." Jon assures cat and she smiles walking back to the hotel.

-At The Hotel Room-

"Woo! Finally I can actually sleep beside you!" She yawns and spreads her arms beside me.

"Hey hey!  This is my side of the bed!" I push her off to the other side and she pouts. "Fine!" She turns her back and I shake my head.

I turn the lights off and get under the covers. Her back still faced towards me, I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her towards my chest.

"Oh now you want me." She groans and I smack her arm. "I always did." She laughs and turns to face me.

"Night owlman." She mumbles and I hug her tightly. "Night cake." I opened my eyes. "Sorry I forgot, I love you." I remind her and she smiles. "I love you too baby"

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