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Jon's P. O. V.

I saw y/n leave early with evan. My date hasn't even arrive yet. I'm stuck here with my vodka glass sitting on this table.

"Hey are you Jonathan?" A girls voice rang and I turn around to face her. "Y-yea-ah." I clear my throat and she smiles widely.

"Names Blu." She raises her hand out and I shake it. "Jon." I sat down with her and she grabs a drink.

I continue to look at her and she would constantly look at me and I would turn away.

She was actually interesting and cute. A little psychotic laugh wouldn't hurt.
Her pretty lips. Damn she wasn't bad.

"Am I that pretty you can't keep your eyes off me?" I smirk and pull her towards my chest.

"You are that beautiful. Your only mine for now." I tell her and she wraps her arm around my neck.

"Take me anywhere you want to.." She whispers and I immediately dart to the car.

-The Next Fuckin Day-

Evans P. O. V.

"What's up man?" I sat beside Jon and he smiles widely. "What?" I ask confused and concerned. "I got laid." That's all he said and I burst out laughing.

"You?!" I continued to laugh harder. "Hey baby.." A girl with sky blue hair kisses jons neck and I stood there shocked and stunned.

"Yes me." He smirks and grab her making her sit on his lap. She waves at me and I wave back.

"Uh well.. I'll leave you guys." I back up and roll my eyes. Damn everyone has someone. Not fair. I'm too much of a pussy.

"Cmon pack your shit we have to leave already!" Lui shouted and nogla casually took lui's gummy worms and he screamed chasing each other.

"Yeah we're waiting on y/n." Brock sighs and I chuckle shaking my head.
"I'm done bitches!" She ran down and saw blu.

"Who's she?" She asks openly and Jon chuckles. "My girlfriend." Y/n's eyes widened and started to burst out laughing.

"Why does no one believe me?" Jon laughs psychoticly and we proceeded to the car to the airport.

-At the Airport-

"Boarding tickets please?" The ma'am asked and we passed it to her. "You may proceed inside." We got in the plane and sat down.

"Woo! GREECE HERE WE COME!" Brian yells and a few people in the plane chuckles.

"First I need food!" Tyler sang and the lady came to him and asked him what he wanted. Of course we got the first class seats.

I Lean against cat's shoulder and she smiles. "Still wearing my ring?" I whispered and she nods smiling cheekily.

"Get some rest y/n." I tell her and she wears the headphones closing her eyes. "You too ev" she mumbles and I cover her with my jacket.

I turn and see the boys staring at me while smirking. "Ooooo! I ship it y/nnoss? Vany/n?" Marcel squealed and I laughed.

"Shut up man!" I groan and hold cats hand. A smile slowly forming on her lips while her eyes remained closed.

An idea popped up in my head. Probably not the best idea but I couldn't find any way to tease cat.

"Y/n.." I whispered her name and she wakes up. "Yea?" She opens her eyes and I notice everyone was asleep.

"Follow me." I whisper and she gets up slowly. I bring her to the back and she looks at me.

"Why are we at the toilet?" She whispers and I push her in locking the door behind me.

She backs up onto the wall. "Wh-a ev-van?!" She shouts and I put a finger on her lips.

-Sexual Scenes Ahead-

"I'd suggest you stay quiet." I huskily groan and licked her neck. She grabs onto my shirt and I remove it. I removed her pullover and threw it on the ground.

I picked her up and placed her on the counter. I bit onto her thighs and she bites her lips closing her eyes.

Thank God she wore shorts. I stopped when I reached her lips. "Do it." She smiles and I pressed my lips against hers.

Till now y/n and I never had our first kiss and this meant alot. I ran my hand over her jaw and explored her mouth further.

She moaned quietly and I grab her making her sit on top of the toilet seat.
I plant kisses down her collar and to her sides of her waist.

She closes her eyes and I lick her legs down to her thigh stopping at her region. She gasp annoyed of my teases.

"Don't.. Tease me." She begs and I smirk. "Please Evaaan!" She groans and I wait even more. I want her to say it.

I wanna hear it. "Please daddy~"She softly says and I rub my hand over clit of her lace underwear. The thin material made it easier.

"Oh f-" She bit her lips. "Moan for daddy.. Please~" I close my eyes as she croaks a moan out. I take her hand and glide it down my boxers.

Making her stroke me. I moaned her name and she gets even wet. "Fuck you know how good you are~?" I huskily moaned.

"Ye-es Da-ddy~" She moans softly and I threw my head back her hand stroking harder and quicker but one word threw me off. "Cum on me~" she whispered and I came.

She licks my cum off her and I continue to finger her. Sliding 3 of my fingers in she jolted and I carried her leg over my shoulders.

She grips onto my back and moans near my ear. She wanted to moan so loud. She couldn't take it.

I knew I was making her cum so fast. I bite onto her neck and she whispers. "Yes! Yes evan!~" she pants and I slam my fingers in.

"nghh!~" She cums all over my hand and I lick it off while looking at her. "Shit.. Evan." She giggles and I chuckle.

"Let's get out before they suspect anything." I say and open the door. A lady was standing there shocked.

"Um.. I" I stood there absolutely awkward. "Its alright I won't tell anyone." She winks at y/n and i smile.

"Where have you guys been again?" We both looked at each other.

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