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Delirious P. O. V.

Wow I didn't know she was that good in gaming. She seemed OK last time but now holy shit. She destroyed us.

"Yo Jon!" Y/n sits next to me and I already feel the heat. "Ye-eah?" I ask clearing my throat slightly.

"Wanna go to the game stop? I heard there's new arrivals." She looked at me so eagerly like a kid. I hugged her and gave a thumbs up.

"Yes! Cmon let's go" she ran to the door and I stare at her. "Y/n you got no pants on.." I remind her and she looks away her face going red.

"Shit.. ILL BE RIGHT BACK!" She runs upstairs and I wait for her. After a while she comes back downstairs with a hoodie and jeans.

"Alright cmon" she holds my hand and brings me to her car. Our hands still intertwined. I kept staring at her."So y/n how have you been?" I asked breaking the silence in the car.

"Well.. It's been good lately that I got to meet you guys.. I don't really know about evan tho.." She goes on. Still intertwined.

"I just feel like he may just hurt me again." I stood there quietly. Evans been a long friend to me and I knew he will have no intentions on hurting her.

Especially if it's y/n. "Evan will never hurt you cat. He's talk about you all the time ever since we met him. He'd never fucking shut up. We always wanted to meet you because of him." I tell her and she smiles.

"We love you y/n.. I love you.. " I quietly say and she looks at me. "Sorry I didn't hear that? Come again?" I shook my head and she drives.

"How have you been?" She asks and I look out the window. "Well it's been shit without you. Boring. The boys were just busy going to bars.. Except evan. We would just play some games." I chuckle and she laughs.

"That how H20Vanoss sailed?" She asks and I laugh with her. "Yeah I guess we would just make sexual jokes and references." I tell her.

"Well we're here." She stops the car and we get down. I follow her into the store and she heads Down the isle.

"Look Friday the 13th is out Betch!" She grabs the game and I see the game 'Scorn' (this game is pretty cool with the alien kind of design and it's like a scary game. Recommend playing this.)

"Oh shit that's the new one right?" I ask her and she lits up. "Yeah! It's the new one." She brings me further down.

"Dude we need to play this." She hands me the game and its the For Honour game by ubisoft.

"Helll yea Luke it's gonna love this." I hug her and we head to the counter to pay these. As a gentleman I am, I paid for the games and got back into the car.

The ride was a comfortable kind of silence. I actually am starting to Like her.. Not sexually only but emotionally. This is confusing for me.

She's really a different type of girl and I like her. I really do. God what is wrong with me. Evan would kill me if I fell for y/n.


Evans P. O. V.

"Heyy" I see wildcat playing around in his phone and I joined him. "So whats up owl?" He asks and I smiled. "Well I've got something to actually um.. Tell you."

He stops using his phone and looks at me. "You like y/n?" He asks and that caught me off guard. "What? Why would you ask me that?".

"Well the way you look at her and touch her gives us an idea.." He smirks and I gave a long sigh.

"Yeah.. I don't like her. I love her." He gives a faint smile. "Well she's all yours. But I think there is competition." I look at him with a disgusted look.

"Who?" I sternly ask and he shrugs. "Find out yourself." That's all he said before leaving and going back upstairs to his room.

"Dude! Who!?" I shout but he was already gone. "Who what?" Moo asked me and I explained.

He stares at me and walks away annoyed clearly. The only person I could talk to was Jonathan. He could only understand.

"Del?!" I shouted around the house and there he was at the front door with cat. I shake the jealous feeling and dragged him upstairs.

"Vanoss what happened?" He asked and I run my hands through my hair.
"I.. I don't know.. How to tell her.." I asked him and he sits beside me.

"Tell her you love her?" I stood there.
"You know too?" His face fell completely and I took note of it. "We all do.. Except her of course." His voice went low..did he like her too?

"Hey whatever it is. Don't rush things." He says patting my back and I agreed. His voice low again.

"Yeah.. Slow and steady wins huh?." I mumble and he nods before going down and chatting with y/n.

I felt it again. Jealously. I knew Jonathan wouldn't do me like that. He wouldn't take y/n away from me.. Would he?

I overhear their conversation. "Aye.. Wanna go record this game later?" She asks and he hugs her. "Yep! Grab some cookies and drinks cause it's going to be long" he smiles and she giggles.

"Oh and uh we should play r6s later with Bryce, ohm and Luke . Full squad. " Jon then claps his hands and nods.

"Alright! Let's go!" He brings her upstairs and I sat there quietly. Confused.

Y/n's P. O. V.

I started up my computer and camera. Me and delirious never like showing our faces when we played a game and so our identity was always sealed.

"Which game boi?" I asked and he chuckles before screaming, "FOR HONOUR!" I chuckle before placing the game in and waiting for him.

"Alright lets go" He says and picks his favourite character. Me on the other hand was blur and stupid.

"Okay y/n. We're gonna go 1v1 bittch" He shouted and i screamed."DUN DUN START!" He started to use his block attack and power moves.

"Your no fun! No skills just the two same fucking thing" I raged and he continued to laugh psychoticly.

"Fuck this shit" I killed him in one attack.

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