Cleaning House and a Midnight Swim

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   "My entire body is swore..." I whisper as I sit down at a table with yet another bowl of cereal due to all the waffles being gone.

   "Well you did dangle from a rope yesterday." Dean states as he shoves a waffle into his mouth and my eyes twitch. "What is wrong wit you?"

   "Nothing." I mutter and Daisy pats my head gently as she sits down beside me.

   "Drew hasn't had her dosage of waffles yet." Daisy says and Dean looks up from finishing his last one. "There... he favorite..."

   "I am so sorry..." Dean says eyes wide as he sets his fork down. "I can throw it back up if you want it that badly."

   "I'm good." I state and Charlie sits down by Dean peeling his orange instantly. I look at him, no sign of the sadness from yesterday seems to be etched in his face. "So what do we do today exactly?"

   "Oh today is going to be the best day ever!" Dean cheers and takes a swig of coffee. "We clean!"

   "Seriously!" Violet shrieks and he nods leaning back in his chair.

   "We get the cabins ready for the campers, clean up around areas around the cabin, it literally is an all day process." He says and lets out a long sigh. "It sucks honestly."

   "I have to clean all the time at the house. I don't want to clean an entire cabin!" Lucy hisses and lays her head down on the table. "This is awful."

   "All relax Lue Lue!" Abigail says and tosses an arm around her shoulder. "You have us to help you clean. I'm pretty sure we can make anything interesting!"

   "Cleaning is never interesting." She grumbles and I laugh quietly as I catch a glance at Charlie. He sits there silently peeling his orange, his entire body language shows how concentrated his is.

   No one bothers him as we continue our discussion about cleaning and how boring it is. Abigail suggests we play a couple of cleaning games to jazz it up a bit, but none of us seem to like the idea. For the entire breakfast, we sit there dreading what is to come.


   The afternoon sun gleams outside, calling my name, tormenting me as I stand inside holding a mop. I stare out at the cloudless day and I let out a groan as I begin moping once again. The entire morning we have slaved away on cleaning our side of the cabin, and it is already noon and we have only just started on the campers side. Daisy sweeps the other side of the cabin as I mop the one that has already been swept. Lucy, Violet, and Abigail work on the bathroom as Ms. Tina is off somewhere getting a list of all the campers from the main office.

   I mop the floor, listening to Daisy's terrible humming, when I catch a glimpse of something out the window. Something shines and hits my eyes and I frown and peek out. Standing out by a tree, Kenny stands there with strange looking armor on. I open the window and begin to call to him but when I look to where he stood, he is gone. I look around and pull my head back inside as Daisy walks over to me.

   "Whatcha looking at?" She asks pulling her head out and I shrug.

   "Must have just seen something." I state and she smiles happily smelling the air outside.

   "Well, we are leaving this window open!" She cheers walking back and beginning to sweep once again.

   I take one last glance out the window and begin moping once more, ignoring the urge to take a look outside.

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