Trust Fall and Adam's Secret

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A few days have passed since I have stopped talking to both Daisy and Violet. Adam and I lead the group to a tall tree with a platform at the very top. Standing at the bottom is the drill Sargent guy, and we both share a look.

"Hello!" He shouts and I wince as he glares at each of us. "Where are you group counselors!"

"That's us!" Adam says and he head snaps looking towards us. "Such a scary guy..." Adam whispers and leans down examining us.

"You look like a child!" He screams and Adam laughs nervously as he pulls his head back and then walking away. Adam's posture slumps and I laugh slightly as he looks at each of us. "Today we will be conducting an age old game for testing one another trust with each other!" He looks at each and everyone of us. "One person at a time will climb up to the top where that platform is, while you will be holding something to catch them!"

   "What if you're afraid of heights?" Opal asks and he looks over and glares.

   "YOU DO IT ANYWAY!" He screams and she nods whimpering as he groans and then pops his neck. "Anyway, who's us first?" Kevin jumps up and down. "I like your enthusiasm!" He says and he nods to the people who leafless Kevin and help him climb up the tree. "He's more of a man than you." He says and looks over at Adam.

   "He's mean..." Adam mumbles and I nod as we each grab the end of a huge thick tarp like thing and stretch it out. "I hope Kevin will be okay."

   "He'll be fine." I say and we look up the tall tree just as he looks down from the platform. "You got this Kevin!" I shout as everyone else shouts out in agreement. We hear him laugh before the people up there turn him around where is back is towards us. His arms are crossed over his chest and his body slowly falls back. I grit my teeth and hold the tarp up with as much strength as I can and he slams into as we are all pulled forward. He laughs as he rolls around on it and we help him off.

   "Alright pipsqueak!" He shouts an Opal jumps high into the air. "You're next!" Kevin takes her place and she slowly walks to the tree.

   "Just don't look down!" Maddie shouts and Patricia shouts from beside her.

   "No! Look down! Feel the fear!" She shouts and I shake my head as Opal slowly climbs up the tree. Her legs shake violently as she grips onto the ladder.

   "You're doing great Opal!" Andrew shouts and she slowly makes it to the top. "I hope she is alright..."

   We watch as the people have to pull her to her feet and walk her to the edge of the platform, her back is turned to us too. She leans back but shoots right back forward shaking her head vigorously towards them.

   "JUST JUMP!" The Drill Sargent shouts and she jumps and falls over the edge letting out a shriek. She lands onto the tarp, barley moving us and she stares up at the tree.

   "That.... was actually really fun." She whispers and laughs slightly as we help her off.

   One after the other, we each take our turn until it comes to the final person, Andrew. He stands up on the platform as we hold the tarp as tightly as we can. "The whale is coming." The drill Sargent whispers and I roll my eyes as he turns around. The platform creaks under the weight and I look at Adam. "HERE IT COMES!" He screams and Andrew falls back as we all brace ourselves.


   "I can't believe that happened." Adam whispers staring at the ground with wide eyes and I nod. "He, just.... went straight through it."

   "It was like watching birth..." I mumble and shiver remembering it. "At least he's okay."

   "He wasn't even affected." He mumbles and I nod slowly as he groans. "What a day..."

   "Tell me about it." I mumble and he nods as we lean back on a tree taking a deep breath. "That was a good thing though. I mean I have trust issues and you guys held me up just fine." I say and laugh slightly as I look over the ground.

   "Yeah. I wish I can trust someone tell them everything." He whispers and I look over and shoulder him.

   "Common, you can tell me!" I say and he looks over at me and shakes his head. "I may not be talking to Violet, but I'm still talking to you." He stares at his hands and I shove him a little. "Common dude!"

   "Well." He whispers and closes his eyes biting his lip. "It's something to do with Violet and my relationship." He says and I raise an eyebrow. "I have been having a little bit of trouble with something. I don't really know how to explain it; well I mean I guess it's kinda...." He goes quiet fiddling with his fingers as he stares hard at the ground. I stare at him and see his worried expression.

   "Hey, just relax." I say and pat his shoulder as he nods a take a deep breath. "You can tell him, okay?"

   "Okay." He whispers and looks around and slowly leans in and talks low. "I don't know how to say this. Please don't freak out when I tell you what I'm planning on doing." He says and I nod as he takes in a deep breath. I feel my mind sink slightly wondering what he is going to say. My heart begins to pound and he takes a deep breath. "I have a situation and I need your help." He says and I stare at him. "I have to tell Violet something really important, but I need your word that you will help me before I tell you anything!"

   "Okay I promise." I say and he nods scratching his head and then closing his eyes.

   "I am..... in......" He groans and doubles over then saying it quickly. "I am gay!" I sit in silence staring at him and slowly speak.

   "What?!" I shout out loudly and he nods slowly. "Oh boy..."


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