Game Plan and Adam's Forgotten Camera

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I look around making sure all my girls are here as Adam does the same. The conversation for the other night with Dean comes back in mind as I watch him.

   "Adam loves to be taken care of. Like served honestly." Dean explained as he popped his knuckles and I looked at him.

   "Care to explain on that a little?" I muttered and he nodded as he stepped forward.

   "Lets say, he wanted an apple juice, but you had gotten the last one. He would love it if you gave it to him."

   "First of all: I don't give my apple juice to anyone. It is mine. I wouldn't even give it to Charlie."

   "Hahah!" He laughed out loud and shook his head as he continued on.

   I feel a pat on the shoulder and look to Dean. He smiles at me and I give him a nervous smile. "You got this!" He says and I shake my head slowly. "Look, he's the first step to fixed your relationships with everyone else."

   "I don't know if I can do this." I mutter and he rolls his eyes as I look around nervously.

   "Hey, at least you didn't have to give up your apple juice!" He cheers and I laugh slightly as I stop looking and turn to him.

   "Where is Charlie anyway?"

   "Oh he's sick. He was throwing up everywhere last night. It was crazy." He says and my heart sinks as I furrow my eyebrows. "Hey, stop it. He will be okay! Send him a get well text and move on towards the mission here!" He says and shoves me forward. I stumble a bit and send a quick glare towards him as I step towards Adam cautiously. He talks to the boys in his group while the girls stand tapping on their phones.

"Hey Adam." I say and he instantly stops smiling and looks over at me. His eyes are dead and I grimace. "What are you doing?"

"Counseling my boys on keeping secrets, something you wouldn't know how to do." He says and I nod as I turn and look at Dean over my shoulder. He nods at me and I turn back around.

"Hey that sounds like a super good counseling session, mind if I tag along?" I ask and he blinks at me.

"Yes I do mind." He says and I nod looking down and fiddling with my hands. Slowly, I back away and make my way over to Dean who smiles happily.

   "Alright, now for the next part of my plan."

   "There was another part?" I ask and he shushes me.

   "Okay, so I just need to piss him off!" He cheers and I slap his arm hard. "Hey!"

   "Why on earth would you do that?! How is that going to help me???" I hiss and I smiles as he pops his knuckles.

   "First off: it will work. I'll come in and annoy him, being the bad guy if you will, then, you will swoop in and help him with what he needs! Boom you are not as bad as before!" He says and I shake my head as I sigh.

   "You seriously remind me of a guy who would us a whiteboard to explain everything."

   "I am that guy." He states and walks away towards Adam. "Ooohhhhhh Adam!!!" He sings and wiggles his hips as he walks over.

   I watch closely as they talk and do some weird hand shake. Dean seems to go on about something and no reaction comes from Adam. Then, his eyebrow twitches slightly, which turns into both eyebrows and a lip curl, and now his face begins to redden. Suddenly his entire face is made of rage mixed with annoyance and I quickly make my way towards them.

   "That's all I wanted to say!" Dean states and Adam growls as I approach.

   "Now I'm annoyed Dean." He says and turns opening his bag. "You've got to be kidding me!" He hisses and I raise an eyebrow. "I forgot my camera..."

   "I can go get it!" I say and he looks over at me. His gaze shifts over and he slowly begins to deny it when Dean tosses a casual look towards Violet. "While you and Dean finish your talk?"

   "Yeah." Adam mumbles and Dean nudges me without him noticing. "Last bunk on the left bottom." He says and I nod and hurry off towards the cabin.

   This is perfect!!!  I can get his camera and be a little closer to his good side, not to mention I get to check on Charlie!!!! This is going to be a great day, I can just feel it!!!

   I ran into their cabin and heard the shower going. Looking around and not seeing Charlie, I laugh and hope that it makes him feel better. On the last bunk to the left, a camera sits up a bed and I quickly pull out the bag and make sure everything is in side.

   Lenses, charger, extra charged battery, camera itself, and instructions! Looks like everything is here.

   I stand up and a subtle wind catches me by surprise and I look up to see the back door open. Raising an eyebrow, I make my way towards it.

   Why on earth would this be open? Maybe he wanted to let some steam out, but I better close it so no animals get it.

   "Uh." I freeze, listening closes to the strange noise beyond the door, hoping it in fact isn't a wild animal. I take a deep breath and peek out the door to see a couple in the middle of...... that. I turn red and go to shut the door when I hear a voice I recognize all to well. "Harder." I turn again to see Jenny and my eyes move up towards the guy's hair. Blond.

   No no no, it's not him. It can't be.

   "Charlie!" I stop, my blood turns cold and I turn and look towards them. They are both panting, standing still, and the guy slowly moves.

   There standing, his face sweaty and his lips parted as he inhaled and exhaled with great force, is Charlie.


   I walk down a path holding the camera. The image is burned into my head. Charlie and Jenny, there against a tree, and I saw it with my own eyes. My body feels numb, I don't think I can talk. Everything is so blurry and the sun is too bright. I can't breath at all.

   "There she is!" You look up to see Tina smiling and you clutch onto the camera tighter. Adam sighs happily and reaches for the camera from my hands.

   "Thanks for this Drew!" He says and his eyes stop staring into mine. "Are you okay?" He instantly sensed something was wrong. What do I do?

   "Yeah, I'm fine!" I utter those three lying words and walk with the group as Adam stood watching. Those three little words, held so much impact, and built the wall around my heart again. The world is broken.


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