Chocolate Waffles and Crocs

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I rub my eyes hoping to rub away the sleepiness from them. Of course it doesn't work, so I let out a yawn and walk down the path. I was the first one up this morning, so I just decided to head down to breakfast without everyone else. Maybe I can get some waffles finally. Feeling determined, I march down the path and spot the cafeteria. Through the windows, I see teens lined up around the entire building.

   "You have got to be kidding me..." I mutter as I shake my head and step inside finding my way to the end of the line. I sigh and find myself listening in on the conversation of a small group of girls in front of me.

   "So I was thinking about sneaking out tonight and going to cabin R19!" She whispers loudly and I raise an eyebrow.

   "Oh my god! You can do that!" Another says and they giggle hysterically.

   "I just want to talk to Charlie! He is so hot!" She says and the other two girls nod happily. I laugh to myself as I push up on my toes looking at the waffles to make sure there are plenty left.

   "What is your plan exactly?" A girl asks as she shrugs and laughs happily. "Don't tell me you are going to try and get with him!"

   "Oh my god NO!" The girls all laugh and she shrugs happily. "But you know what, he seems to be packing, I mean you can see the outline...."

   "EWWWW!" They all shout and laugh out loud and my head begins to pound. 

   How annoying. I mean is this really how girls act now? I mean, this crazy? Did I act this way... please tell me no please tell me no! Okay just think about something else... ooh! The waffles!

   I push up on my toes again and look towards the waffles and I gasp seeing as there are only three left. I look too the girls and clench my fists praying that they won't take them.

   "Ooh! Chocolate waffles!" One says as she grabs one and puts it on her plate. "Don't mind if I do."

   "Oh my god same!" Another says and the last one looks at it and shrugs.

   "I'm not really in a waffle mood." She says and they shrug and walk off leaving the final waffle for me.

   My heart begins to speed up and I smile if and wide as I reach out for the tongs to put it on my plate. The waffle was finally mine, for the first time since camp started, I get my waffle. The beautiful square crispy sweetness of a waffle that has the little holes that hold the syrup. Chocolate too! I could put some powdered sugar with whipped cream and strawberries! I smile and reach forward-

   "Ahh I change my mind!" The girl grabs the tongs and put the waffle on her plate walking away.

   I stand there staring at the place where the waffle had been and I hang my head. I am dead inside. I walk away and get and fruit salad and take a seat at the normal table.

   Twenty minutes later, Daisy and the others walk in with all the campers. The boys are with them and I stab a piece of cantaloupe and shove it into my mouth as Daisy sits down with her tray.

   "I thought you came early to get waffles." Daisy says and opens her strawberry milk.

   "Evil creatures took them." I mutter as Daisy looks at my line of sight and nods.

   "It was chocolate waffle day, no wonder they were already gone." She says and shrugs as she eats her food and I push my bowl away. "That really sucks Drew."

   "You look terrible." Dean says and I look at him as he shoves potatoes into his mouth. "Like you didn't sleep."

   "Hmm..." I look down and Charlie sits down beside me whispering in my ear.

   "Is this because of what happened last night?" He asks and I look at him and he frowns. "Drew, I don't know what happened, but you must have just been really tired."
   "I know what I saw." I whisper and shake my head as I look at him. "Don't you believe me."

   "Of course I do." He says and whispers quietly. "Lets sneak out and go on a date tonight."

   "Okay." I say and he smiles as Kenny leaps up onto the table happily.

   "Guess what everyone!" He shouts as he holds his fists in the air. "We get a day to hang out together as a whole group!" He cheers but my eyes stay on his feet.

   "Kenny, the hell kinda shoes you wearing?" Adam says looking at him and Kenny looks down.

   "They are my Crocs!" He cheers happily and I shake my head standing up and walking away from him.

   "Oh if it isn't Drew." I stop and look at Jenny as she leans against the wall. "Hello."

   "Great it's you." I mutter and glare at her. "What do you want now?"

   "I was just wondering if you and Charlie have kissed yet." She says and I barrow my eyes. "Oh! That's right, you aren't even dating. Why you wonder? Because you are good enough for him." She says and I roll my eyes as I begin to walk away. "Poor little Drew, first, she loses her first high school boyfriend Henry, now, her Prince Charming Charlie. What a pathetic life you live." She says and I clench my fist as I feel an arm wrap around me.

   "The only thing pathetic in her life are the people like you that have to be in it." I look up to see Charlie staring down at her and her eyes are wide. "Stay the hell away from her Jenny, or else."

   "Or else what? Your going to ruin my life?" She says and steps forward. "You better watch yourself Charlie, I can ruin you life in a far better way." They are face to face with one another glaring at each other and I can't help but feel the intensity of it.

   Then, they shove their lips together with such ferocity that I can hear their teeth hit. The slobbery sounds of the kissing makes me gag as I stare at them. He wraps his arms around her and she shoves her hips against his and he grunts pulling her closer. My eyes are so wide they feel like they are bulging and I let out a scream.


   "DREW WAKE UP!" I jump at Daisy's voice as she stares at me.

   "What happened?" I shout and she stares at me with big eyes.

   "You were having a bad dream." She says and looks at me with big eyes.

   "The chocolate waffles..." I whisper and she looks at me with a funny look.

   "I have no idea what you are talking about." She mutters and shrugs. "Anyway, lets go to breakfast, Kenny has an announcement or something."

   I sit up and look around the room, everyone is getting ready like normal and I rub my forehead as I look at my phone and see 15 messages from Charlie asking if I am okay from last night.


Thanks for reading! I hope you all enjoyed and please, leave a vote, comment, add and or follow for more updates to this story and for more stories! I just started a new story! The first chapter isn't up but I do have the prologue up so go check it out!

I love you guys sooooo much!!! And bye bye! 

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