Forgotten Passion

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I slump against the wall as Dean groans and lays down onto the floor and all the campers let out cries. I feel my body concave as I double over and let out a loud groan and Kenny stands over us with a bewildered expression. "I don't get it, what is wrong with you guys?"

"Kenny, do you remember what happens o these things?!" Adam shouts as Violet shakes her head and he holds her close. "Don't worry, I will make sure we get out of this alive."

"You guys are over dramatic..." Jason mumbles and Abigail shakes her head at him.

"You don't understand, they are bad." She hisses and looks over to Kenny. "Do we really have to?"

"It is our cabin experience for this month!" He cheers and we all groan some more as he frowns.

"I thought those only happened in the middle of the month!" Dean says barley raising his head above the ground.

"It is the middle of the month!" Kenny shouts and we all go quiet. "Anyway, this is the activity so get up and get ready!" He marches away as I stare after him and dean slowly sits up.

"It's already the middle of the first month..." He whispers and looks around at everyone. "Wicked..."

"Can we focus on the fact that I can't do this ridiculous activity!" Brittany shouts as I push off the wall and walk over to my group. "Seriously! This is the worst!"

"It can't be that bad." Opal says and smiles at her. "Think of how pretty it will be!"

"The prettiest thing I've seen, is myself in the mirror and nothing can compare." Brittany barks as Opal looks at her feet and Patricia rolls her eyes.

"It's nice to know you lack 0% in the humble category." She says and Brittany throws her head towards her.

"I don't even know what you just said!" Brittany shouts and Patricia shrugs before stretching her arms out.

"100% in the stupidity category however." She says and Brittany fumes as she marches closer to her.

"What did you just say emo bitch?" Brittany hisses as Patricia glares and Opal jumps between them.

"Lets all get along now!" Opal says holding her arms out to separate them and Brittany shoves her back.

"Stay out of this wimp!" She hisses and I step between them glaring at them both. "Oh great, the counselor is here."

"Listen here." I state and look at the two evenly. "Anymore fighting and consequences will be paid."

"What are you going to make us wash your granny underwear?" Patricia says sarcastically as I shake my head and fold my arms.

"Anymore fighting today and I will revoke your free time privileges for the rest of this month." At that they close their mouths and separate as my cheeks huff up and I walk away. "I hate children." I mutter as I stand beside Charlie and he ruffles me head with a big smile.

"You handled it like a pro!" He says and I smile back as he looks out over our group. "This is going to be a long day."

"Yeah..." I whisper as I watch the campers in their separate groups, glaring at one another across the short distance and I sigh. "Of all the activities he could have picked, it had to be hiking?"


   The green of the forest surrounds us as we walk up the hill. The only sounds is of nature itself as we trudge along. The sun peeks through from the canopy of branches and leaves and I take in a deep breath. The smell of the lake and pine needles fill my nose as I breath out slowly. I feel more at peace than I thought I would and I smile looking back.

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