The Falls and the Camp Charming

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   I slip out of the door and quietly walk down the steps. I spot Charlie leaning against a tree, he gives me a nervous wave and I smile as I hurry towards him. He pulls out a flower from behind his back and hands it to me. I take it and take a sniff.

   "It smells amazing!" I shout and cover my mouth looking around. "We should go."

   "Yeah let's hurry." He mutters and takes my hand leading me through the woods.

   Every once in a while, he would hear a noise and stop, stepping in front of me, never letting go of my hand. We walk through the woods slowly, the cool night air chilling my body, but my hand remains enveloped in warmth. "Watch you step." He says and turns facing me, holding both my arms and helping me down.

   We go on, I check my phone, and the time is 12:30. It's been thirty minutes since we began walking, it didn't feel that long at all. The sticks crunch underneath our feet as we leisurely walk along. An owl hoots from somewhere above me, and I look up into the tall pine trees. It's large yellow eyes are the only part I can see through the thick patch of needles. We walk on, and when I glance back, its eyes are still watching me. My nerves begin to tick away, and I glance around nervously. The image of the man in the woods, blood dripping from his mouth comes back to me. My stomach feels queasy and I look around even more rapidly, and then I hear a soft voice.

   Charlie hums softly, a gentle tune and I look at him. His voice wavers as he goes along, it sounds so gentle and beautiful. His hand gently squeezes mine as if trying to comfort me. Then, just like that, I'm calm. I'm completely enthralled by his voice, and the warmth of his hand that all other thoughts are completely gone. All I see is him, nothing feels scary or uneasy anymore.

   "We're hear." He whispers and I look forward to see a large water fall. My eyes widen, at the site of the crystal clean water. The area appears to be a clearing, the moon gives off a brilliant light. The water fall falls so smoothly, the sound of it sends chills down my back. 

   "It's amazing." I whisper and he nods as he leads me to a large rock slab and sits down. "How could they not have found this place before?"

   "Actually, I found it." He says and I look at him. "I was looking for that kingdom, you know, the one from our dreams." He says and stares out over the water. "Looking, I just stumbled onto this place."

   "Wow." I say as I stare into the clear water. Fishes swim around and I feel the heat from his body next to mine.

   "Hey, Drew." He whispers and I look over at him. His entire face is beet red as he looks down into the water. "C-can I wrap my arm around you?"

   "You're asking?" I ask she's wide and he nod firmly. "Why?"

   "I don't want to do anything that will make you uncomfortable." He says and I stare at him  and smile.

   "Yeah. You can." I whisper and he nods awkwardly wrapping his arm around me and I blush looking down. Silence stretches out between us and I grow hot just being so close to him. "Charlie, this camp seems to have changed so much since I came here."

   "It has changed." He mutters and his arm moves slightly and I find myself closer to him than before. "After that year you came, the rest of them felt boring." He says and I lay my head on his shoulder. "Now, here you are, after three years." He says and lays his head on top of mine. "Please tell me this isn't a dream...."

   "It's not a dream." I say and shift myself a little and look out at the waterfall.

   "I can't believe I'm really here, with you." He says softly and I pull my head away and gaze up at him. "It's everything I've ever dreamed about."

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