Chapter Two

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As soon as I arrived in the garage part of the train, I walked right over to Trixie, who was tinkering around on Tails' cart with him.
"Hey Trixie," I called. She turned, her skin matching the golden color of Miles' cart.
"Hey Amy! I was just about to send someone up for you," she grinned, walking over, her skin reverting to its natural soft green.
"So, where's my baby?" I asked, looking around at the long line of cars. Trixie grinned.
"Follow me," she led me a few rows back to where I saw my cute pink cart. I smiled widely and jumped into the driver's seat.
"Alright Amy, I've revamped the acceleration on this thing and lightened it as best I could," Trixie went on to explain what other upgrades she made on my car. I half-listened, carefully thinking through my strategy for tomorrow.
"Thanks so much Trixie!" I grinned widely. She nodded and leaned closer.
"You know, the crew's not allowed to bet or show support for any one character over another, but I'm cheering for you," she winked. My grin widened.
"Awe thanks Trix. That means a lot to me. I should go. We have a meeting in a bit," I glanced at the clock on my car's interface. I said goodbye to Trixie and made my way out. Miles fell into step with me as I left.
"Hey Amy. You doing ok?" he asked. I nodded.
"I'm fine, thanks," I said automatically. He scrunched his brow up.
"You rushed out of there as soon as we got on the train," he said. I bit my lip.
"I, uh, just needed a little air," I replied. He looked at me skeptically, but didn't press me any further. We came out into the main cabin, where everyone was gathered, the main team sitting on couches around Calvin. We squeezed to the center near the couches and I sat as far away from Sonic as I could get, wedging myself in between Knuckles and Shadow, who both moved a little to give me more room.
"Alright, looks like we're all here now. So, tomorrow's the big day and I just wanted to go over all the rules with you guys. First off, and I shouldn't have to say this but I will, you all need to play nice. I know this is a competitive sport, but the last thing we need is an injury or fatality, especially on our first race day of the season. Next," he continued on.
"Hey, how's your car?" Shadow asked me quietly. I looked over at him in mild surprise.
"It's great. Trixie really added some awesome new modifications. I think I'll do well tomorrow," I replied. He nodded.
"What did she do?" he continued.
"Well, the normal upgrades: acceleration, weight, you know," I shrugged.
"Nothing else?"
"Hey, my hair may be pink but I'm not giving away all of my secrets! Ha, you'll just have to wait until we're on the track," I winked and grinned slyly. The smallest of smiles appeared on his face.
Soon, Calvin was finished speaking and we had arrived at the apartments. We all traipsed through the lobby to the elevators and waited for them to open. When all three doors opened at once I picked a car at random and entered. I found myself with Sonic, Blaze, Shadow, Rouge, Silver, and Espio. It was silent for a few seconds while the elevator started for the top floors, then Sonic spoke.
"So, Amy, you ran out of there this morning pretty quick, any clue as to why?" he asked generally. I looked up in surprise. He never spoke to me unless we were in character or he absolutely had to.
"I just needed some time to myself," I said carefully. Shadow's eyes met mine in the mirrored doors.
"Are you sure? Something seemed more than a little off with you today," Sonic ventured. It took all of my energy not to slap him. Or to scream about how much of an egotistical, selfish, arrogant jerk that he is. I really, really wanted to. But I held back.
"Yes, I'm sure. Thanks for your concern though," I replied. Shadow gave me the smallest of nods in the door.
The elevator stopped at the first of our floors and Espio got off first and the doors closed again. We were all silent as the elevator stopped again and everyone but Sonic, Shadow, and I got off. I saw Blaze give me an apologetic look before the doors closed. It was awkwardly silent for a moment then, before anyone could react, Sonic had pressed the button to stop the elevator, and pressed me up against the wall of the elevator, his forearm on my throat.
"Don't you ever do that again," he growled, his eyes narrow.
"What are you talking about?" I asked, my throat closing. Shadow's eyes blazed behind Sonic and before he could press my throat harder, Shadow had grabbed Sonic and thrown him up against the opposite wall. I fell to the floor, gasping and grabbing my throat.
"What the hell is your problem?" Sonic yelled at Shadow. Shadow just glared at Sonic as he stepped in front of me, his hands clenching and his muscles tensing.
"Shadow, it's ok. I'm ok," I stood, bracing against the wall and coughing.
"Dude, this isn't your business. Step out of the way and let me finish my conversation with Amy here," Sonic crossed his arms. Shadow didn't move. I wanted to go press the button to get the elevator moving again, but both guys were blocking my way, and I didn't want to get near Sonic again.
"Shadow, please. I'm fine. Really," I tugged on his black jacket. Finally, after staring at Sonic for a long moment, he reached past him and pressed the button. The elevator began moving again. I sighed with relief and leaned against the wall, relishing the fresh air returning to my lungs. Sonic glared at me past Shadow, who still stood in front of me protectively.
When the doors slid open, Sonic swaggered out of the car, brushing past us like nothing had just happened. Shadow turned.
"Are you really all right?" He asked quietly.
"Yes, thank you," I nodded, meaning thank you for everything he had just done. Shadow looked at me for a long moment more before exiting, leaving me alone in the elevator. I stood there a second, then left, wondering what all had just happened and why.

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