Chapter 2

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-3rd POV-

On a building's rooftop stood Midoriya Izuku. A few minutes earlier, it was revealed to him about All Might's condition. Along with the fact that his all time favorite hero said that, he can never be a hero without a quirk. Dishearted, he started to trudge his way back home. He knew that it was impossible for him to be a hero when you don't have a quirk, yet he still hoped that it wouldn't be the case. He still hoped that he could be a hero even without a quirk.

~meanwhile about 20 minutes earlier~

Izumi was inside the grocery store, doing her errand. She was so busy looking for that certain soy sauce that her mother asked her to get, that she bumped into someone. Shaking her head, she sees a green haired teen about her age, rubbing his aching bottom slightly. "I-I'm very sorry! I wasn't looking at where I was going! I'm sorry" lending a hand she smiled apologetically.

-Izumi's POV-

Wah~ that was embarrassing! Apologizing once more I bowed my head and picked the grocery basket and its fallen goods. "u-uh y-you don't need to ap-pologize... I was at fault! H-here let me help" he scrambled to help me pick up the grocery that fell. It's a good thing that there's no eggs or glass bottled sauce yet.

After we picked it all up, he apologized again and started to walk away. "u-um! Thank you for helping me pick these up, and I'm sorry again" I exclaimed, he smiled sheepishly while scratching the back of his head. "I-it was n-no problem really..." he looked lonely when he said that, so without fully understanding what I was doing, I grabbed his hand and used my quirk on him.

He flinched but started to relax. He stared at me shocked "w-what did you just do? Umm..." I smiled, and introduced myself. "Midoriya Izumi, it's very nice to meet you. Umm... You seemed troubled so... I'm sorry! I just thought that maybe... Umm..." I was nervously spluttering nonsense until he chuckled weakly. "thank you. I needed that." he smiled, genuinely this time. "my name's Tito.... Umm... Would u like some help with those?" he asked pointing at the grocery basket. "oh no, thank you for asking. I jus--" I was interrupted by an explosion, it sounded so close. I looked around and saw fire, the building was burning! 'Quick!  What should you do when there's a fire?!'  I thought quickly and started to go to the exit briskly and as calmly as I can while grabbing Tito-kun who froze, but when we got there, a beam was about to fall and seal the exit so I pushed Tito-kun as hard as I could so at least he could get out of here.

-3rd POV-

The market was in flames, heroes desperately tried to put out the fire. The young rising hero, Kamui Woods was doing his best saving those who are stuck in the fire. But little did he know that a certain broccoli was still stuck inside the grocery store. Tito, who was grabbed by the young hero was struggling to get free. "Calm down kid! You're safe now!!" Kamui said while holding Tito back. "I may be safe but someone isnt!!" Tito yelled stil trying to get back, but another explosion erupted. Looking at the source he saw a sludge villain rampaging holding a male hostage.

-meanwhile with Izumi-

Izumi was still inside the grocery store, her nose and lower half of her face was covered with her handkerchief. 'you can never be more prepared! Thank you onii-chan!!' she thought looking for an exit. You see, like her brother, she was witty. So she quickly executed the safety drills she and her brother always attended.

She was about to go to another exit that would most likely be locked, but before she did she heard weak coughing. Looking around for the source a few minutes, she saw a little boy lying on his stomach coughing weakly. Thinking fast she dug for the extra towel she always brings and poured water into it. 'please let it help at least some!'

-outside with everybody-

Tito was frustrated... Izuku was conflicted... Katsuki was struggling... All might and the heroes were all feeling the same things. Izuku looked up and saw Katsuki's eyes... Tito closed his eyes and clenched his fists remembering Izumi's kindness...

At the same moment the two of them ran! Izuku charging for the sludge villain and Tito for the flames.

'I cant let someone die because of me!!'  Tito screamed inside his head. He outstreched his arms towards the flames and before the heores could grab him, he quickly absobs the flames of the building. Heroes and civilians alike were awed by the display. But little did they know that Tito was struggling to control his quirk.

'I cant just stand here and do nothing!!' Izuku screamed in his head as he clawed and struggled to at least help Katsuki who was currently held hostage.

Inside the building, Izumi and the little boy was struggling to get out. Izumi was shielding the poor boy, something came falling down and she had no time to pick the boy so she shielded him. She was doing her best, trying not to give into the weight, but then the flames surrounding them started to vanish. Like they were being absorbed. Seeing this chance, using all her might she pushed the fallen debris and picked the passed out boy craddling him. She ran limping out of the building coughing and struggling to collect fresh air.

And there we go people! Hope u like the chapter and before I go I just want to thank Jorge Albuja for giving me permission in using his OC other then that! Have a nice day!

Comment for another chapter so I'd do itthe best I can!!

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