Midoriya Izuku is a hardworking quirkless teen who is aspiring to be a hero, along with his beloved sister who would claim that she too, is quirkless. But is she?
Because Bakugou is a cussing machine I'll put this to a pg-13 thank you and enjoy!!
After all is done and gone, the first years of UA are ready for their internships. Iida left his classmates first, feeling his anger rising as he got closer and closer to Hosu district. Izuku on the other hand was worried that his message for Iida wasn't enough; knowing what happened to Iida's brother, he worried that something terrible might happen to his blue haired friend.
With Izumi, she was in the office of the Agency she chose, nervously fidgeting with the hem of her skirt. She already boarded her train to Wajima district (real place btw, google it), she would be training with the Sharp Leaf Hero: Sceptile. His quirk is an emitter type, he can sharpen or soften any object he touches. His quirk is quite useful when it comes to combat and rescue, this is one reason why Izumi chose to go to his agency. Arriving to Wajima, Izumi wasted no time and followed the instructions on how to get to the agency.
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Tito was in his hero costume, (pic below)
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in front of him was the Absolute Hero: Absol. A very calm, beautiful and intimidating woman, her red eyes that looked into your soul. She is a heroine known to predict disasters before it could even happen.
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Tito was nervous under the heroine's gaze, Absol was observing Tito's form. She stared for another minute before sighing, making our lettuce man then now tense. 'd-d-d-did I do something?!' 'I like this woman!''This woman is suited to be our mentor. I can feel it' both Lucian and Constantine commented, feeling the powerful aura that the Absolute hero possesses. "Let us begin..."
And so we conclude the first day of the internships.
As time pass, every intern learns something new everyday. Like some students: Uraraka, Jirou, Izumi, Kirishima and Tetsutetsu, Izuku, Yaoyorozu, and also Tito; while some students were still learning.
-Tito's POV-
I was training with Absol in her agency's training room, it was amazing how I learned to control some parts of my quirk. I could control how hot my fireballs were, I was able to conjure my angel wings at will, I was really grateful and excited! So excited in fact that I always get hit in the head by Absol! She's the strict kind of mentor, but she was very nice when we're on break. She was even able to fix some of my stuttering. 'that's only good for serious talks... You're still a wimp in my eyes twerp!!'
The break room was quiet, I just finished my training drills a few minutes ago but the exhaustion I felt was exhilarating and -in a sense- refreshing. "Gemini." I stood up and faced Absol as she stood by the door, 'she's serious... Did I do something?' 'you worry too much Tito...' "Come Gemini, we are heading to Hosu district" "H-Hosu?!" I quickly followed her as she walked away after finishing her statement. "I had a vision just a moment ago. I saw fire and chaos, we need to go there immediately." I narrowed my eyes and followed her silently. This is serious, her predictions are never wrong. 'finally! Some action!!' 'we'll see how your training paid off'
Absol along with me and some of her sidekicks proceeded to board a train discreetly, not wanting too much attention. "Now then, I want everyone of you to escort the evacuees to the safe zone and assist as much civilians as you can. Once the disaster has started, there will be no time to hesitate. It's that clear?!" "Yes ma'am!"
A few hours after arriving at Hosu, our team split up into groups of three. Me, being the intern of the group was with Absol of course. "Keep your eye peeled, and be mindful of your surroundings! And remember what you learned in training!" all of us gave our determined responses and dispersed. 'I wonder how everyone in class B is doing?' I thought as I followed Absol silently "Thinking about your girlfriend?" Absol chucked as I blushed and struggled to construct a sentence. "Well jokes aside, we must stay alert at all times. So after this make sure to call or message your friends alright?" the moment she finished her sentence a loud explosion erupted, just a few street ahead of us. "Alright everyone! You know the drill!" "Yes ma'am!"
-Izumi's POV-
Being at the Sharp Leaf Hero's agency was very educating. While patrolling the area, Sceptile taught me the importance of doing patrols and the rules every citizen, and even heroes in training should follow.
It was getting a little darker each minute. I stayed inside the agency for a little bit more, cause I wanted to see if I could use my improved technique before I go. I stretched my arms and legs preparing for my solo training, but a loud thud and stern voice made me jump and look at the culprit. "Nightingale, I'm going to Hosu district to aid the heroes fighting there. So I want you to go to your room after finishing your training. If I'm not back by 10 in the morning come straight to Hosu, am I understood?" I straightened up and gave him a salute. "Yes sir!" Without another word, Sceptile left for Hosu. I wanted to know what was happening... 'don't you want to know what's happening??' 'of course I do! But sceptile have me orders! Besides, I'm sure he instructed his sidekicks to watch me' my train of thought was interrupted by a harsh hit on my head. "You should really stop that muttering of yours Nightingale. It's really scary!" 'was I talking out loud?' "Yes. Yes you were. Now why don't you finish up and head to your room? I'm free right now so I can give you a little company."
-3rd POV-
That night, the Hero Killer was captured, Midoriya and the gang got hospitalized because of the injuries they obtained during their fight with said villain, and the Noumus that appeared were either defeated or captured. It was an awful night, but luckily there were no casualties. Tito who was present in the incident, was slightly injured but after some treatment, he was able to go back to the Yin&Yang Agency (Absol's agency).
-meanwhile at the hospital-
A green haired male sighed as he finished his call. "Guess all I have to do now is wait..."
--------------------- Whoo!! I'M ALIVE!!!! I apologize for not updating recently but being a graduating student it's harder than you think.... At least for me... Anyway! I'm just gonna remove everyone that after I publish the 30th chapter I'll close the votes! So how now or forever hold your peace.
Kacchan: heh! You hear that half-and-half?! Hold your fucking peace now! Izumi is mine!!
Izuku: NOOOO!!! I wont let any of you taint Micchan!!
Todoroki: I still have a chance. The author told me she'll make an ending for me.
Me: hey!! That was supposed to be our secret!! *hides behind Todobro*