Midoriya Izuku is a hardworking quirkless teen who is aspiring to be a hero, along with his beloved sister who would claim that she too, is quirkless. But is she?
Because Bakugou is a cussing machine I'll put this to a pg-13 thank you and enjoy!!
it's been a long time since the incident. I'm doing okay.... I... gained a friend at middle school.... I got bullied but I'm okay!" Tito was trying his best not to let the tears fall, 'oi oi, I thought you said no crying today.' Lucian's voice was still harsh but slightly softer. Constantine shook his head but said nothing, he knew well enough how both Lucian and Tito felt. He may have been the last spirit to come to Tito's head, but he still got his memories of the past sealed away like he was asked to. Tito sighed, he was thankful to his parents for saving him but at the same time, he was slightly upset with himself about that unfortunate day.
-3rd POV-
-back at school-
After the hectic time at the cafeteria, Izumi was excused from class by Recovery Girl. Apparently some students were slightly injured from the chaos that happened a few minutes ago. Many students were there but they only got minor injuries like scratches and/or twisted ankles. Nothing that both healers of the school can't fix, Izumi was having fun with not only helping other students like her but also training. Recovery Girl thought that it would be convenient for Izumi to train her endurance with her quirk, she was... doing well, considering the fact that she only needed to either wrap bandages, massage or put ointment on the students. She was happy now, she even forgot what made her gloomy earlier.
-with Izuku and class A-
Izuku had already stepped down as class president, so now Iida Tenya is the new class president. Cheers were heard but there was one individual who was upset and was banging his head to the table. It was no other than our ticking time bomb Bakugou Katsuki. He only JUST realised what he had done earlier to Izumi, he let his jealousy get the best of him and we all know that it didn't end well. Izuku noticed Katsuki's actions but ignored it thinking he was upset that he wasn't the class president. A knock was heard making everyone in the class settle down, Aizawa sighed and stood up sluggishly. He was so lazy and sleepy that he literally dragged himself to the door. Once the door opened, it revealed--
(not telling yet bros)
-Tito's POV-
I sighed as I stood up, no time for moping... 'so, what do you plan on doing now brat?' Lucian asked grumbling when I kept quiet. 'this street seems familiar' 'it really does... Oh hey! That's the street that the wimp first got me! Ahhh those times''you mean the time where you almost killed someone??' I chuckled as all three of us went down to memory lane.
I was walking alone, again. But it's okay! Mommy promised that we're gonna go to the amusement park if I passed the exams! I grin as I look at my paper, I was so excited that I bumped into someone. "hey watch where you're going-- well well well... Look at what we got here guys" oh no.... I apologized clutching my paper closer to me, while trying my best to get away. "oh no you don't!" I yelped when he grabbed my collar "what's this?" "n-n-no that's m-m-mine!" "shut up quirkless!" one of the bullies was about to punch me I felt something inside me burn.
'let me take care of this kid, I can help you' the voice chuckled but stopped when a new voice interrupted everyone. "what the hell are you doing with my son?" it was father's voice. I never heard him talk like that before... The bullies let go of me and ran away, "you okay son?" he ruffled my hair making me giggle. "Daddy look at this!!" I showed him my test results grinning ear to ear. "whoa!! An 89?! That's so awesome! Good job son! I guess we need to get ready to go to the amusement park then" "yatta!!"
-flashback ends-
I was so happy that time, I had fun with my parents and found out that I had a quirk. 'it's always good to remember good times in the past' 'the hell are you talking about?!' I sighed as my two spirits started to argue again. I thought I'd have a peaceful day....
-3rd POV-
-back to school with Izuku-
The door opened to reveal someone carrying a stack of papers. "umm excuse me for interrupting but here's the copies you asked" it was a teacher, the new one that was pretty shy. After the teacher left, Aizawa distributed the said papers he explains to them what the papers were and that he would need it the very next day.
-timeskip to tomorrow! Brought to you by Tetsutetsu's manliness-
-Izuku's POV-
Class 1A is having an off campus training today and Aizawa-sensei told us that it was our decision to wear our costumes or not. I sighed, my costume was destroyed in our combat battle exercise..."Deku-kun, you're wearing your PE uniform. What happened to your costume?" I scratched the back of my head as I explained my situation to Uraraka. "class 1A gather round!! Form two lines according to your class number!" I sweatdropped "Iida-kun is on full throttle" we formed two lines but we're still waiting for Aizawa-sensei. "sorry to keep you waiting, I had to pick someone up" we looked at Aizawa-sensei's direction and all of us were in a state of shock.
"My name is Midoriya Izumi, it's very nice to meet you!" Micchan was wearing her hero costume, she looked so cute!!! Nononono! You shouldn't be thinking like that Izuku!! That's your sister!! 'but she's really cute in that costume~'
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"all of you in the bus now! Let's not waste any more time" we reluctantly went inside the bus, Micchan was seated next to Todoroki-kun. Why didn't she sit with me? Before I could voice my thoughts Ashido-san asked the question everybody must've been wanting to ask. "Midoriya! Why didn't you tell us you had a sister? A twin nonetheless!" "Yeah that's right Midoriya! Hiding a beauty like that is unfair!" I stopped my nervous habit and glared at Mineta-kun. "THE HELL ARE YOU HERE ANYWAY?!" Micchan flinched and Todoroki-kun comforted her. That was weird, usually Micchan wouldn't flinch and smile like before... Something is wrong here.....
-----_----------- Phew! That was hard to come up with xD anyway! Vote for your favorite ship!! Comment so I'll know!! Thank you so much for reading and have a nice day, night afternoon!!