Midoriya Izuku is a hardworking quirkless teen who is aspiring to be a hero, along with his beloved sister who would claim that she too, is quirkless. But is she?
Because Bakugou is a cussing machine I'll put this to a pg-13 thank you and enjoy!!
It's been two years since Izumi lived and trained with the League of Villains, she is now 15. She worked in the bar, just so she could do something other than her training. She felt at home and she never get to hear how useless her quirk was. In the League's eyes, she was special. She was useful. "Izumi, look at this." Izumi stopped her cleaning at the bar and looked at what Tomura pointed. "All Might is teaching at UA! You know what this means?" Izumi smiled "a perfect chance for him to fall~" "sou~ and we'll be the one whose gonna destroy him and his petty ideals!" Izumi smiled brightly as Tomura shredded the newspaper. She was happy.
It has been a few days since the start of UA. While Izuku was happy he got in and was able to study in his dream school, he was still sad that his sister still wasn't found. He even told All Might of his missing sister, he said he would try to help, but still nothing. His mother, Inko might seem like she was alright, but he knew that she cried every night for her baby girl to come back. Izuku would listen to his mother's pleas to the heavens, he would listen as Inko called Izumi's name over and over. At breakfast, she would always place food; Izumi's food on her side of the table. But upon realizing, his mother would once again cry. Izuku knew that she was broken, she couldn't handle the grief and loss of her daughter.
"Deku-kun!" snapping out of his deep thoughts, he blinked at his friends in front of him. "Are you alright Midoriya? You're crying." quickly wiping his tears, he smiled sheepishly. "I-I'm okay! J-just remembered something!" "you know you could tell us... We are your friends after all" Uraraka softly said, patting the greenette's shoulder. A click of a tongue was heard and by now, everybody knew whom it came from. "Stop being such a fucking crybaby fucking Deku! She won't come back if you just cry all the time!!"
This intrigued everyone, a 'she' was mentioned. Though some of them seemed disinterested, they still listened carefully. Looking away Izuku frowned and softly mumbled "I know..." 'she won't come back if I don't do something...' he knew that but... What could he do?
-timeskip a little-
Class A were all inside the bus, talking with each other while there was still time before they arrive at USJ. Of course their conversation went from quirks to the issue with Midoriya. "so... Midoriya, that 'she' earlier... Did a girl dumped you or something? You don't have to answer is you're not up to it though!" looking down at his clenched fists he sighed. "My twin had been missing for two years... That's all I'm going to say. Sorry... It's... too hard for me to talk about...." this statement made everyone silent. Thoughts were swirling inside class A's heads, even Aizawa who heard this was stunned partially.
Arriving at USJ, the space hero Thirteen greeted the students with enthusiasm. He gave some insights and reminded everyone that a quirk can be very dangerous.
At the center of the plaza of USJ, a purple mist appeared. It expanded, then out came the villains. "Everybody don't move! Those are real villains" Aizawa told his colleague to evacuate the students before charging right at the villains, he was fast and precise.
Though as the students were evacuating, they were stopped by none other than Kurogiri. "Forgive our audacity, but we heard that the symbol of peace would be here." Izuku tensed, why would they want All Might?! And how would they know that? Without further ado, the students were warped in different places inside USJ.
"wah~ Eraserhead sure is strong~" a feminine voice cooed.
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(imagine she's wearing her mask) "Should I join in?" "No... He'll just erase your quirk..." Shigaraki observed Eraserhead's movements carefully, trying to find something to counter him with.
While this was happening, Izumi -also known as nightingale- looked around while still sitting on Noumu's shoulder. "Nightingale, let Noumu play with this one!" hearing this, Izumi jumped off of said monster and walked to the side. She knew her brother was here, she could recognize his messy hair anywhere. Even in a very far distance. "hello there~"
-Izuku's POV- (it's been a long time hasn't it?)
"it's going to be okay. We'll just see if it's safe, then we'll--" "hello there~" all three of us tensed and stared wide-eyed at the villain in front of us. 'we didn't even notice!!' "wah~ you got in UA!!" I glared but before I could anything, Asui-san shot her tongue at the female villain. She dodged but her veil was knocked off, making everything freeze.
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"It's been a while~ o-nii-chan~~" she's here? What but... How... Why... "M-Micchan?" she was.... No.... My little sister... Is with the villains?
-3rd POV-
It was obvious why Izuku would be shocked. Those two years of searching, worrying and tears shed... Yes, Izuku felt betrayed, but his love for his sibling was stronger than his anger. Even as Izumi stood up and walked away, he still couldn't bring himself to hate or get angry with his beloved sister.
Picking up her veil, Izumi glanced back at her brother. 'he's changed a lot...' Aizawa was now bleeding profusely, Noumu had bashed his head to the hard concrete. It wasn't looking up for the hero's side, that was until USJ's doors busted open. Revealing the no. 1 hero, All Might. He was angry- no furious! How dare these villains harm his colleague and students! "It's fine now! For I am here!" he wasn't smiling, All Might wasn't smiling.
"he's finally here..." Shigaraki muttered, eyes crazed as he stared at the hero. Izumi held her veil on her hands while keeping her mask on, "society's trash..." Izumi stood beside Shigaraki with a smile hidden beneath her mask, Noumu was on par with the hero. "Tomura-kun, you shouldn't scratch your neck..." she said but she leaned to the side staring at All Might's form. "ALL MIGHT!!!" without hesitation, Izuku charged but then Katsuki and the others came in just in time. Shigaraki dodged Kirishima and Izumi jumped away from the ice. "wah~~ it's been such a long time Kacchan~ you haven't changed a bit~"
Everyone looked at Izumi, "WHAT THE HELL ARE Y-- no way..." the three who didn't know Izumi only looked at Bakugou, did he know this person? How? "You were right Kacchan~ my quirk would be soooo useless if I became a hero~ but you know what? Since my quirk wouldn't be useful for heroes, I joined the villains~ and guess what?! They said my quirk was useful! You wanted to be a hero... But you couldn't even save me."
-------------------------------------------------- Okay so... This is only a spin-off, if I get the time I'll make the assassination classroom one next time! Oh! And before I forget, I want to thank LucyHeartfilia829 and PeculiarTitanSlayer for you two know what I'm talking about. I won't go to details but I really appreciate what you did so thank you very much!