Midoriya Izuku is a hardworking quirkless teen who is aspiring to be a hero, along with his beloved sister who would claim that she too, is quirkless. But is she?
Because Bakugou is a cussing machine I'll put this to a pg-13 thank you and enjoy!!
Okay so... Remember on chapter 22 or something? I mentioned something about a gala if you don't remember then... Read it again! *evil laughter* no jk okay so let's get this started!! --------------------------------------------------
-Todoroki's POV-
It was quite surprising that Midoriya let Izumi come with me. I knew he was very protective of her, my brothers and I probably would too if a random guy asked Fuyumi out. I would usually just ignore my old man about this gathering, but the old man did agree to let me bring my preferred date. He already knew who I was going to take but I'll make sure to wipe that smirk on his face at the gathering.
"Shocchan!! Sorry to make you wait! I had to help Recovery Girl." I smiled holding my hand for her to take. "Todoroki-kun... If anything and I mean anything... Happens to Micchan I'll make sure you won't hear the end of it..." I nodded and said with all seriousness "Rest assured Midoriya, I'll make sure Izumi will be safe at all costs." Izumi was silently smiling waving at her brother, while her brother glared one last time before continuing his walk home. "Should we have brought him along with us? He looks kinda... Sad?" I walked beside Izumi holding her hand in mine. "I guess... But if I was the one in his place then I'd also be sad. We used to call ourselves the two musketeers! (We happy few reference) There was never a time where we were away from each other... I guess we both got used to it, and now... We feel like we're drifting apart... But I know that as long as onii-chan's happy I'll be happy too!" she's so pure, both of them are so kind. "I'm sure he feels the same to you too. But as the older brother, I'm sure he'll be very protective when it comes to guys wanting to date you."
The walk didn't take that long, we arrived at a boutique and I asked for an assistant. "Excuse me, could you help find a dress for her? It's for a gala" I gestured to Izumi - who was looking at the different dresses- which the assistant giggled. I, of course was confused, what was so funny? "Right this way ma'am." I hope this won't take too much time. I promised Izumi's mom that I'll bring her home by 8 pm. "Here we are!" I turned my attention to the drawing curtains and I couldn't help but smile as I saw Izumi.
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"You look very adorable and perfect Izumi. But... I think that reveals to much of your skin. Hold on..." I took my phone out and took a picture, once I finished the curtain closed again. My face felt like it was burning, but it was a good kind of feeling. "How about this one!"
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