Okay so before you read, I do not own bnha. Also I should warn you guys that there WILL be changes in this so bear with me. Thank you for your understanding.
----------------------------------------3rd POV-
Midoriya Izuku's fight with Shinsou went faster than expected, minimal picked were delivered and received. The next match was with Sero vs Todoroki. Although Sero did manage to encase Todoroki in his tape, Todoroki was rather... aggressive. Even I as a narrator felt bad for Sero... Ibara vs Kaminari, all of class B was cheering for their classmate while class A cheered for Kaminari, especially Mineta like the pervert he is. Izumi was continuously munching on different plants (herbs/flowers) while watching Ibara's match. Like her brother, she likes to observe how other people fight and to collect strategies for future references. Iida vs Hatsume was a little embarrassing, so we'll see what Izumi is doing right now!!
-Izumi's POV-
The moment Iida-kun's fight started, I felt nervous. I drank a glass of water and munched on my packed herbs, "Micchan?" I jumped at the sudden voice. I took deep breaths to calm me down and smiled at onii-chan "I'm okay" I said, but he didn't look convinced. "I know you Micchan, your nervous and I can see that very clearly. Don't worry too much, I know you'll win this. Although I do feel like I'm betraying my classmate, you're more important." he gave me his sweetest smile and kisses my forehead, giving me a boost of confidence. I tackled him in a hug and kisses his cheek "arigatou onii-chan. I'll do my best! I'm not gonna let anyone down!" he laughed and closed his eyes putting our foreheads together. "As long as you did your best, you'll never let anyone down. Now let's go out there and do our best!!" I smiled as he said that, and followed him out.
Onii-chan and I separated ways, he headed towards the stand while I went towards the tunnel. Although in my way there I saw Shocchan leaning on a wall with crossed arms, when he noticed me he came closer and brought me to an embrace. He was slightly shaking, I'm not sure where though... Is it because of his quirk? I don't know... "Izumi, whatever you do... Don't come closer to my old man no matter what. Please..." after he said that he looked straight at my eyes in all seriousness, all I could do was nod stiffly. He sighed in relief and kissed my forehead, I blinked now completely confused. "good luck" I watched him as he walked away and continued my way to the tunnel. 'I wonder what happened for him to be so nervous... But it wouldn't hurt to follow.. I guess' I shook my head and looked ahead. 'with onii-chan, Shocchan seeing me... I bet Kacchan will have something to say too *giggle* I wonder...'
-Katsuki's POV-
-a few minutes after Iida's fight started-
I rolled my eyes, this isn't even a fight. I stood up and noticed the damn nerd isn't here, I knew exactly where he is but ignored it. I walked around and was about to turn around the corner when I heard that half-and-half bastard yelling shit, so I stayed hidden, listening to what he might be yelling about. " LEAVE HER OUT OF THIS!" "Oh? And here I am helping you to get the girl. What was her name again? Midoriya Izumi, was it?" I clenched my fists, what in the world do they want with Izumi? "I'm warning you... If you lay a finger on even a strand of her hair... I'll kill you" I couldn't have said it better. I left and went to the tunnel, I looked out and saw that four-eyes (Iida) was still being used. I sigh and crossed my arms while leaning on the wall. I heard footsteps and saw the one I was here for, "what took you so long idiot? Don't tell me you cried because you're nervous!" I scoffed and stared at her smiling face. I know that face.... "let me guess... Since you talked to Deku and some people on the way here, you predicted that I'll be waiting here right?" I sighed exasperatedly. She gasped and I clicked my tongue, "Kacchan! Are you secretly a mind reader?!" a tick mark appeared on my head, I walked closer to her and hit her in the head. "owie..." "listen up! Cause I'm not gonna say this again! Don't act like Deku that always think too much! Always put your guard up while keeping your brain running, you got it?!" I shoved my hand in my pocket and took out a red rose. "I already took out the thorns but I know it'll be useful. Now go win this thing!! If we ever face though, don't expect me to go easy on you!! Got it!!" as I was saying this I was already walking away, so she wouldn't see my red face.
(subtle but sweet!! Go Bakubrou! Bakugou calls Izumi hedgehog and fairy so dont be confused! XD)
I went back to the stands as four-eyes yelled at the support girl. There was a slight pause before Midnight declared four-eyes the winner, I could've laughed at his face but I was still thinking of that harinezumi. "and now ladies and gentlemen another fight from class A and class B!! From class A! An all pink girl who can produce acid!! Ashido Mina!! And from class B!! The one who tied with her brother!! Midoriya Izumi!!" after the intro Izumi went closer to pinky (Mina) extending her hand for a handshake. I stood up and I didn't notice the nerd doing the same. "IZUMI/MICCHAN!! YOU BETTER/CAN WIN THIS!!" I glared at Deku, "don't talk over me you damn nerd!!" I say down crossing my arms. "Ready? Start!!"
-everyone's quick thought-
'h-how supportive... And rude...'
-back to Bakugou's POV-
I looked closely as both girls smiled at each other, well pinky grinned but you know what I mean. Izumi opened her jacket and while she was pinky made the first move, she ran then glided on the floor using her acid. Izumi kept an eye on pinky, pinky kept throwing acid while Izumi kept dodging them. I was getting impatient, she just kept dodging! 'what the hell are you doing?! Get her already damn it!!' Izumi quickly removed her jacket while running straight at pinky. 'what are you up to you harinezumi...'
-Izumi's POV-
I smiled as I kept running, my jacket, already removed. "you're just heading right to my domain Midoriya!" she said as she shot her acid at me. In the last minute, I threw my jacket at her distracting her momentarily. When she was, I immediately created a vine whip with thorns from my right arm. "WHAAAAT?! SHE CAN DO THAT?! I THOUGHT SHE WAS A HEALER!! What else can she do?! Let's see with our own eyes folks!"
"guuu!! Now I'm getting pumped up!!" Mina-san said as she grinned at me. "I won't lose Mina-san!" I said as I sent my whip towards her. She sent her acid to my whip and started to glide again, I pulled my whip back before the acid could hit and got an idea. I sent my whip to her again, but this time letting her acid hit, I did this a few times more while I created another thorn vine whip on my back so it'll be hidden from her sight. "you should give up now Midoriya!" she said as she smirked. "I don't intend to lose!" I ran towards her, blocking some of her acid with my arms, she held a guilty expression. I used that chance to reveal my whip and wrapped it around her, before she could react I pulled on it hard enough to send her to me. 'arigatou All Might!!' Once close enough I kicked her face, though I do feel guilty for hurting her, I'm not gonna lose!! "FINALLY A PHYSICAL HIT!!" I took deep breaths as I held my whip while healing myself. "Ashido, can you move?" I was still holding the whip, tightening it. "gahah!!! I can still! Ow!!" she struggled to get out but because of the thorns piercing her skin she couldn't use her acid. "Ashido can no longer move! Midoriya guess to the second round!!" I released Mina-san from my whip and shook her hand. "thank you for the great battle Mina-san!"
Damn I didnt notice I put random shits in there until I saw the number of words xD anyway! Chapter 18!! Hope you guys enjoyed it xD and I already told you earlier I'm gonna be changing some things. And those are the fights... Anyways vote in the comments for your ships!!Bakumi- 2
Todomi- 5
Tizumi- 5A tie again? 😂😂😂 wow those two are really struggling. Lol happy reading!!

Midoriya Izumi
FanfictionMidoriya Izuku is a hardworking quirkless teen who is aspiring to be a hero, along with his beloved sister who would claim that she too, is quirkless. But is she? Because Bakugou is a cussing machine I'll put this to a pg-13 thank you and enjoy!!