Midoriya Izuku is a hardworking quirkless teen who is aspiring to be a hero, along with his beloved sister who would claim that she too, is quirkless. But is she?
Because Bakugou is a cussing machine I'll put this to a pg-13 thank you and enjoy!!
The Sports Festival has already come to a close. In third place there was Iida and Izumi, in second place there was Todoroki, and in first place... Was the raging Bakugou. He was already pissed at his battle with Tito, but his fight with Todoroki was even worse. Which lead us to where we are today, at the Bakugou residence. Since Katsuki won't stop screaming; his mother, Bakugou Mitsuki called her highschool friend Midoriya Inko for help. Now we've known Katsuki for a while and we all know that only Izumi can calm him down. As calm as he could at least...
The Midoriya twins were now in front of Bakugou's house. Izuku was hesitant to leave his beloved sister to the dragon's lair. "do you really have to go in there?" he nervously asked eyeing the house full of screams and yelling. With a soft giggle, Izumi turned to her brother. "you're making it sound like the area beasts inside~ silly onii-chan! Anyway, thanks for walking me here onii-chan! Don't do anything reckless to your arm okay? Love you! Promise I won't be late!" with a peck on his cheek, Izumi walked to the front door with a skip in her step. Izuku was hesitant to leave, 'should I stay and watch over her? Nononono! That's called stalking! But she's my sister.... Whattodowhattodowhattodo!!!' as Izuku continued his mental turmoil, Izumi was already inside the house.
-Izumi's POV-
Wah... Kacchan is really angry... "I'm sorry for making you do this dear, but he just won't stop his screaming!" I giggled as aunt Mitsuki hugged me. "go on ahead, I'll bring you snacks later" I smiled and headed upstairs. "SHIINNNEEEEEE!!!!!!! MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!" I winced at the volume, 'he's really angry...' I shook my head and knocked before peeking inside. "I told you to leave me alone you old hag!!!" "that's not very nice Kacchan..." I said softly. He froze and just stared.
"W-What the hell are you doing here?!" he dropped the controller and pulled me inside his room. "hold on... If you're here then... FUCKING DEKU!!!" I yelped and frantically shook my head. "nononono!!! Kacchan aunt Mitsuki called and asked me to visit so I did!! Onii-chan just walked me here, I swear!!" he narrowed his eyes and went to his window. He yelled "damn nerd!" before closing his window.
-timeskip 3rd POV-
The Bakugou home was now quiet. Mitsuki giggled and finished making snacks for the kids, she could still remember the time where Katsuki declared his love for Izumi.
"Katsuki, slow down or you'll trip and fall!" Mitsuki reprimanded, following a six year old Katsuki. "Kacchan!!" hearing the nickname, she tried to stifle her laughs. "Mitsuki-chan!" said person smiled and waved at Inko. Both mothers watched as their children ran around and played with each other. Though there was still times where Katsuki would tease Izuku, he never released Izumi's hand. "it seems like Katsuki-kun took a liking to Izumi~" "I know right? They're just so adorable!!"
"kaa-san!! Auntie!!" Mitsuki raised a brow at Katsuki, he grinned and placed an arn on Izumi's shoulder. "I've decided! When I become a hero, I'll marry Kanari!!" Izumi; being the oblivious and naive six year old she was could only tilt her head in confusion. "Kanari? Eh~ so Izumi-chan is your fairy? I thought you didn't like them?" Katsuki glared at his mother, earning a chuckle. "chotto Kacchan! Micchan promised that she'll marry me in the future!" and so it was the start of Izuku's sister complex and Katsuki's possessiveness.
-flashback end-
"Izumi-chan! Katsuki! I made sna--"
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