Midoriya Izuku is a hardworking quirkless teen who is aspiring to be a hero, along with his beloved sister who would claim that she too, is quirkless. But is she?
Because Bakugou is a cussing machine I'll put this to a pg-13 thank you and enjoy!!
It was the day where the students of UA will move to their dorms. Everyone was excited and glad that everyone was allowed to go, especially with the students affected by the villain's attack.
As Izumi and Izuku arrived at UA they headed to their classrooms first, "Micchan, if you need anything don't be shy to ask your classmates okay? If I'm not there then I'll entrust you to Kendo-san since she seems to be the most mature..." ah... It has been a very long time since we've seen Izuku mutter. Izumi giggled and pecked her brother's cheek "I'll remember that onii-chan! Go on to your classroom, or else Aizawa-sensei will give you his scary glare" she said, imitating Aizawa's tired eyes. "pfft... T-that was... Okay... Okay... I'll go now see you later Micchan" he left Izumi by her classroom door and walked to his classroom still stiffling his laughter.
"Izumi-chan/Izumi-san/Midoriya-chan!!!" before Izumi could do anything she was crushed by dozens of arms, this was to be expected. Ever since class B heard that Izumi was kidnapped, they were all so worried sick, but they all knew that Tito was the most affected. Well after hearing that her heart failed and almost died; of course they'll be affected and worrued! "Are you okay?! Did they hurt you?! Are you sure you're okay?! Do you want me to get you something?!" All these questions were thrown all at the same time making our sweet broccoli woman overwhelmed. "g-guys... I think w-we should give her some s-space" our lettuce man softly stuttered, and as they all gave her space their homeroom teacher Sekijiro Kan; also known as Vlad King arrived.
Vlad escorted his children to their dorms. "Here we are, the Heights Alliance. Now I know you're all excited and I'm happy to see my class still complete and intact. As all of you might already know, because of the constant attacks of the villains, UA has built the Heights Alliance to ensure its students' safety. We'll have a tour inside and after that I'll leave you all to unpack and arrange your things. Now come on! You'll need all the time to do your rooms."
Everyone was excited, after the tour they were assigned to their rooms. Much like class A the boys are on the left and girls are on the right.
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(gosh that was hard to edit on phone xD)
While Izumi was unpacking, she noticed that one box belonged to Izuku, "If I have these... Then..." quickly standing up she lifted the box and ran to the elevator. On the way to the door however, Sekijiro stopped her. "And where are you going? I'm sure you're still not finished unpacking." Izumi smiled sheepishly, she needed to be honest with this one. "Well you see... This box is... Umm... This box contains Izu's belongings and u-um..." raising an eyebrow the pro hero walked closer to the nervous teen. "Why would you bring it to your brother immediately? You could always bring them later. They're just next door." "ehehe... Well you see... These are onii-chan's... Underwear..." 'ah... I get it now...' coughing to cover up his snort, Vlad King allowed Izumi to go. Who wouldn't let her after their underwear was swapped for some particular reason?
Opening the large double doors, she called for her brother. A few of class A who were taking a little break noticed her presence and greeted her with smiles. "Hey there Midoriya-chan! Looking for your brother?" Rikido Sato asked smiling softly at our broccoli woman, but after he asked that question a scream resonated through out the dorm. It alarmed everyone that they looked out of their rooms and ran towards the source. It came from Midoriya's room, and when they arrived they came a flustered and panicked Izuku, clutching a box. "What the fuck is wrong with you Deku?! Y--" "What's going on here?" Aizawa interrupted, class A gulped at the intimidating aura their teacher was releasing. "N-n-n-n-nothing sir!! I-I-I-I'm sorry for disturbing all of you! I'll just take this somewhere..." Izuku stuttered out but much like what Sekijiro, Aizawa stopped the green haired teen. Glaring immensely Aizawa questioned, "What's in the box?" sweating profusely, Izuku took an audible gulp. "N-n-n-nothing sir!! Nothing to worry about!!"
While Aizawa was interrogating Izuku, Izumi was inside the elevator, Rikido and Shoji escorting her to her brother's room. Once they arrived, the curious bunch namely: Kaminari, Mineta, Uraraka, Mina, Kirishima and Katsuki-who was just about to leave- were crowding Izuku's room. "I'll ask again. What's. In. The. Box." Aizawa was beginning to be impatient, if he still didn't answer then he'll have to tie Izuku up. "Hello everybody! What's going on?" oh how Izuku was glad to hear his sister's voice, but his relieved expression soon turned into embarrassment as Izumi spoke. "Onii-chan! I think you have my underwear!" this very honest and blunt statement made everyone freeze on their spot. Aizawa's eyes trailed over Izuku's flustered form. "Alright finish up, I dont want you being up by lights out." with that the pro hero left, "Midoriya..." "Don't you dare finish that Mineta.... Or else."
After exchanging boxes, Izumi returned to her room to continue decorating her room. To the right of the room there is a regular sized bed with a sakura patterned bedsheet, beside the bed was a small bed drawer; where she puts her first aid kit, her notes from Recovery Girl, and extra pens and papers. On the wall, there were different pictures of her family hanged, next to the pictures was a shelf filled with mystery, paranormal and suspense books. On the top shelf lied a handmade teddy bear, an Alice in Wonderland rabbit plushie, separated by three music boxes. To the left side of the room, there was a study table near the veranda, next to the study table was her shoe rack; where multiple shoes were neatly stacked, arranged by type. On the veranda was her multiple herbs were lined up neatly and on each ends, blueberry plants were there blooming. All of Izumi's clothes were inside the closet. At the center of the room was a small coffee table and three bean bags. It took time to arrange and organize her room but Izumi felt like she accomplished the impossible.
-------------------------- Finished this faster than I expected.... Anyways any suggestions? I like to spike things up in this story... Also I might make the crossover canon xD
Also one more thing... I might make a Naruto crossover... So answer me... Yes or nah?
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