Chapter 39

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-3rd POV-

If you looked at the stadium in an audience's perspective, you'd think there was a way going on. 40 students had already passed, at the center of the stadium, Izumi was lulling her pursuers to sleep. Unknowing to her, a ball was headed her way. "I got you now!" but before the ball could hit Izumi's target on her ribbon, she suddenly disappeared. "What the?! Where's she go?!" Looking around the girl in a Chinese fighting dress didn't notice that the ground below her was shot with a glue-like substance.

The tune stopped and a lot of students were gathered at the center if the stadium, seeing other competitors asleep thinking that they hit a jackpot. But little did they know, that those sleeping people were all bait. Without a second later, vines sprung out of the ground restraining all the visible students. Some students were either glued to the ground, trapped in an invisible wall or sinking into the ground. "What's happening?!?!" "These are UA's quirks! Where the hell are they?!" those who were glued to the ground were knocked out by all of class B students who were actually hiding underground with the help of Juzo's quirk, that includes Izumi who was actually swallowed by the soft ground.

A light appeared, blinding the competitors and they didn't know where it came from or what happened. All they heard were cheering and the announcement that they failed. "IZUMI!!!! YOU LITTLE BUNNY YOU! COME'RE!!" Tetsutetsu gave Izumi a friendly noogie before everyone else from the class hugged or ruffled Izumi's hair. "All participants who have completed the task should go to the safe room immediately." Izumi smiled and clenched her first in relief. 'My first big step in becoming a hero and helping onii-chan!' "By the way Izumi... Your plan went very smoothly... H-how did you even come up with a plan like that? Wait no, more importantly how are you able to deduct an event; something that wasn't even happening yet?" Shoda asked, wiping since sweat on his forehead. It was suspicious... Izumi's plan was flawless, it was like a prediction. A fail-proof prediction. Izumi smiled and fixed her nurse cap, "I actually don't know... I've been having these De ja Vu moments and... In the bus... I was like 'ah... This happened before...' or maybe I dreamed about this happening... I don't know... But I'm happy everybody survived!"

80 people have already passed, including class B. They were now relaxing in the safe room, Izumi checked her classmates in case they sustained injuries. "Thanks for covering for me Yanagi-chan!" said girl was smiling at the broccoli woman, she gained some cuts from guarding Izumi's back from the preliminaries. "It's okay, to be honest I was doubting myself back there. But I always say to myself that I'm better than before! Besides, with your good luck charm, I wont forgive myself if I failed. You made it because you wanted all of us to pass. So we'll all pass this exam together." lifting her head to smile at Izumi, she jumped at the wide eyed happy Izumi.

"10 more slots left before we finish... Hurry up students, if you want to get your license then try harder please." the voice of the proctor echoed in the stadium, making every last one of the remaining students in the stadium to panic. "Wow... I could literally feel the pressure... It's kinda scary... " "Are you cold Izumi-chan?" an arm was wrapped around Izumi's slightly shivering form, spreading warmth throughout Izumi's body making her sigh in content. "So warm~" Tito's face exploded in deep hues of red as Izumi leaned closer.

"I-Izumi-chan... I-I-I'm just... A-a-a-are you s-s-still cold? " Tito nervously asked, "Oi Vladez, you finally managed to man up!" Awase teased while others like Kosei and Setsuna joined in. "W-w-w-what are you t-t-t-talking about?! I-I-I was j-just trying to help since I-Izumi-chan is c-cold!" the trio who were teasing Tito laughed and a few moments later Izumi made a sound of recognition. "Ooohh... I see, Tito-kun has a crush on me!" the trio abruptly stopped their teasing and stared at Izumi, while Tito fainted in embarassment. 'She's not that dense!!' Setsuna who was the most mischievous of the three went to the girls to tell the news, and only one thing came to their mind. 'Who corrupted her purity?!'

"Attention all 100 participants in the safe room, please pay attetion to the screen." the big screen lit up and showed the area they have previously just participated in.

"Right now, all of you will undergo a rescue operation to all HUC who are on standby." the walls once again opened up and with a loud horn, every participants ran and spread out. "Everyone should go help other students the best you can! Tetsutetsu! Mmonoma! Come with me!" Kendo and the two mentioned went to the mountain area while everyone else scattered.

Izumi was heading towards a wide and open space, although she stopped when she heard crying. Straining her ears, she briskly went closer and saw a baby -examiner- crying. She gasped and kneeled beside her, she carefully and gently lifted the head. "Shh... It's okay now, no need to cry. I'm here, I'm here,  shhh" Izumi said with a gentle motherly tone. She maintained eye contact while getting a roll of bandages. Checking the baby's pulse and breathing, it seemed fine and once she bandaged the baby's head and injuries, she carried the baby tenderly. "Were gonna move now okay? We're gonna go to a safe place and find your mommy" the examiner smirked behind the mask. 'This girl is good. Though not really that perfect, I'd be damned if this girl doesn't pass.'

An evacuation area was made and Izumi laid the child on a blanket that she brought inside her medical bag.  Footsteps were heard and looking up, she saw Tito carrying a lady in her mid thirties. "Izumi-chan! This lady's arm has been crushed, she's heavily bleeding and I think she also have a concussion. Her breathing is also--" "Bring her here quickly!" without any hesitation, Tito gently laid the lady in front of Izumi who immediately did her work. Applying pressure to stop the bleeding, and using her quirk to help with the lady's breathing. "She's stabilizing... It's a good thing you brought her to me immediately Tito-kun!" Tito smiled and turned to find more victims. After checking on the lady's pulse again, Izumi smiled and turned to the baby. "We're gonna find your mommy soon okay?"

Students from different schools continued their rescue and relief operations. But little did they know... The real deal is just about to begin.

*sigh* it's so boring today so I decided to make a chapter! I hope you liked it and just one more chapter, Midoriya Izumi will be finished! But fear not! Why? BECAUSE I AM HERE!! Also because THERE'S GONNA BE A SEQUEL!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Izuku: A s-sequel?!

Todoroki: I don't see why not... The readers did say they enjoy reading mine and Izumi's romance.

Bakugou: The fuck you saying half-and-half?! You lost the freaking vote!!

Todoroki: True, but there are still readers who prefer me over you.

Me: okay cut it out you two... Before Izuku becomes berserk *war flashbacks*

Izuku: Hey!!

Tito: I'm just happy that people like me being here!

Me: he's so pure!! Anyway! Stay tuned!!

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