18. Jaded

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Song: 'Ghost' by Flapo.

Hour 15

{ Oct 29, 20XX: 23:45 – Teito Hotel (Special Investigation HQ) }

Screw Ryuzaki. Screw this investigation. I knew mistake to join the Kira case.
Why, you ask? Becuase while everyone else was out there in the thick of things having the time of their lives, I got stuck 'monitoring' Misa. Even Matsuda was doing something. On one of the TV screens, Matsuda was being interviewed on Sakura TV. On another screen was Wedy, trailing Higuchi's car via motorcycle. Soichiro waited with Aiber and Mogi at Sakura TV headquarters for Higuchi to show up, and Ryuzaki and Light had just left for the roof. Apparently they were gonna follow by helicopter.

And as for me, the adrenaline junkie that lives for this shit? I get to watch from the sidelines with Misa, who was chained to her seat.

"Dish iz duh wurst." I grumbled, stuffing popcorn into my mouth like a slob. "Shtupid Ryujaki." 

"Aww, I think its cute." Misa gushed, taking a kernel from the large bag I'd popped after. Her wrists were chained together, and her left hand was carried along with her right as she tossed the popcorn into her mouth. "He doesn't want you to get hurt. I think it's cute."

I scoffed. "More like he doesn't trust me to not fuck things up. I have a bad rep when it comes to these things, remember?"

"Oh..." Misa said, just now realizing this. "Well, he still doesn't want you in harm's way, so it's still sweet of him, right?" 

"Not really." I huffed. "Anyways, what about you? Aren't you mad that Light just left you here? Didn't even thank you for bringing us Higuchi? No, of course you aren't. Because you don't care how Light treats you. You'd do anything for him, right?"

Misa frowned. "Someone's in a bad mood." 

'Someone's in a bad mood' I mouthed back.

"But seriously, what makes Light so special to you?"

At this, Misa's eyes twinkled, and she smiled to herself.
"Becuase... Light's just so different. He's handsome and smart and sweet and..." she searched for the right words. "He's almost god-like. He holds himself like a king. I love him." 

Oh, gross. I want to puke. Light? A king? Jesus Christ. 

"What about you?" She asked. "What makes Ryuzaki so special?"
I stared at her, feeling rather dead inside. Did she really expect me to go on about how cute and charming Ryuzaki is? Because I won't. Especially after the little shit left me on the bench while everyone else was out having fun.

"It's complicated." I grumbled. It was too much of a bother to explain it all. She probably wouldn't understand it, anyways. "He's just... different. From other men, I mean. And I admire his determination."

"That's so sweet." Miss gushed, clasping her hands together. "You guys are so perfect for each other. I totally call maid of honor for your guys's wedding." 

Something about the genuine touch in her voice made me laugh. Especially since all I did was call him unique. She reminded me of Matsuda. Her airy dumbness cheers people up. An unhelpful, but endearing talent.

"Don't get your hopes up. If you want to be a bridesmaid, we all have to survive this. And there's a good chance we'll die before this is over." 

"Oh, pooh. Such a pessimist." She said sourly, sticking out her tongue. 

I roll my eyes. In my peripheral, something caught my attention. 

"Hey, check it out. Higuchi's running now." On the screen, a panicked, roach-like Higuchi scrambled into his car and drove off, ignoring any and all road safety laws. It would be a miracle if he didn't get into a crash.

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