22. Reunion

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Song: 'Rush Over Me' by Seven Lions

{ 11:32 — Winchester, England (Wammy's House) }

There's no grief comparable to the death of a lover. Here, now, in the place I called home for seven years, I had to watch as they put my entire life's meaning in a casket and surround him with flowers, lowering him into a grave.
I believe it's been two weeks since Ryuzaki died now. November 20th. His funeral would be held sooner, but amidst the chaos of his death they've only had time to hold it now. Which is good, because I've only recently become well enough come here, to Winchester. When he died, the investigators had to lock me in my room as I screamed and kicked, clawing to get to Light, his murderer. Upon the discovery of Rem's ashes, which were all that were left of her, I flung the remains at his face.

Apparently I'm not good at grieving. First it was the panic attack, then a complete mental breakdown, and the, after two days straight of crying on and off with occasional fits of rage did people give up on me and I was allowed to stay bedridden for a week, able to do nothing but lay still under the covers in a desolate haze. Soichiro was the one who tended for me during all that, and arranged for my flight here.

They decided to bury Watari and L on Wammy's property. I asked they be cremated, I couldn't bear the thought of his body bloating up and being eaten by worms. The funeral was small, as expected of two people so obscure. Maybe a dozen people surrounded me as we listened to their eulogies. I'm in the large stretch of land owned by Wammy's House, in the very, very corner of all the green fields. A small section was reserved as a graveyard, because everyone here tends to have no other home. We're isolated from the rest of the world, so it's only natural. All around us was yellowing grass, and although the sky was miraculously clear for once in all the history of England, the wind was cold and biting. The people around me all seemed to be either senior workers at Wammy's, or relatives of Watari. But there are a few that I recognize as some of the orphans. E and H and W and G and another boy I don't recognize. They all gawked at me, recognizing me but not daring to speak amidst the grim silence. Everyone knows now how I loved Lawliet.

I dreaded being here for this very reason: I'll have to face the people from my past. Those who knew me as S, the coy, mischievous, fleeting figure, the friend of Beyond Birthday, a shameful boy who went insane and went on a killing spree. Earlier I passed by the tree we'd always hang out under on Sundays. This place is filled with painful memories.

Giving the eulogy for Lawliet is Roger Ruvie, the head caretaker for Wammy's House. He's an old, white-haired balding man with rimmed glasses who always loathed me. Everyone knew, and I was infamous for devising pranks to pull on him that couldn't be proven to be me just to fuck with him. I felt his eyes flit to me as he read off words I didn't filter in, standing next to two gaping holes in the ground and a pile of dirt. Two caskets lied next to the holes, and I tried not to imagine what was inside them.

I know they see me. Anyone who lived at Wammy's when I did is sure to want to talk to me after this is over. E, an Indian girl with long black hair and wicked memory knew me all too well, and she's sure to tell everyone the moment Ruvie finishes his speech. She's always been a gossip. God, why do I have to be here?
I'm the only one who isn't wearing something formal. Instead, I wore my windbreaker over dark pants and black leather gloves. My hair was down and covered most of my face. Underneath my jacket is one of the shirts Ryuzaki gave me.

Ruvie's monotonous speech drawled to an end. I wonder if he made his voice so toneless as a memoir to Ryuzaki.
"... his death will be forever mourned. Although the world may not see it, the weight of his early dismissal will forever be ours to carry. The only thing we can do is to never forget the man who was called justice, and died fighting tyranny and fear. Thank you." He nodded solemnly, and weaved his way back into the crowd.

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