21. Apparition

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Song: 'Goodbye to a World' by Porter Robinson

Hour 23

{Nov. 5, 20XX: 09:25 – Teito Hotel (Special Investigation HQ }

I woke up into the morning to a cat pawing my face. It ripped me out of a pleasant dream that I couldn't quite remember. I was drowned in the taste of cat fur in my mouth,  sputtering everywhere and wiping off the inside of my mouth with a pillow. Kuromi stared back at me from the foot of the bed with wide green eyes. Her fuzzy black ears were alert and she looked at me expectantly. Since when did she ever bother waking me up?

"What the hell, Kumi?" I frowned, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. "You hungry or something? Go ask Watari." She mewed loudly, and I laughed, giving her a quick scratch behind the ears before hauling myself up to get ready, expecting her to leave the room. But she followed me into the bathroom and watched me intently while I changed and put my hair up into a messy bun. I glance out at the balcony as I brushed my teeth. Outside, it was pouring. Probably freezing cold, too. In all the time I've lived here, it's only rained maybe twice.

I left my room and head towards the elevator, scooping Kuromi up in my arms, and instead of glaring at me like she normally does, she mewed again and buries her pale pink nose into my inner elbow.

"Weirdo." I scoffed at her, and the elevator doors opened, revealing the investigation room and everyone except for Mogi in it. He must be out chauffeuring Misa around. Kuromi started thrashing around and struggled out of my grip, darting towards the love of both of our lives. Eating strawberry cake and sitting like a monkey in all of his unorthodox glory. He's caught unaware, and jumped as the cat vaulted all the way from the entrance over Ryu's office chair and onto his shoulders, digging her claws in to keep balance.

Light gave him an annoyed look, before going back to his work. I resisted the urge to scowl. Light's completely changed from the person he was before. At this point, we both treat each other with open contempt.

I made my way over to Ryuzaki, and flicked the back of his head before taking my seat next to him. He turned his head to me.

"Boo." I said. He smiled softly.
"Good morning. (y/n)." He replied.

I smiled back and elbowed his shoulder, taking the L pendant from underneath my shirt.

"Good morning yourself, asshole. Planning on telling me why you decided to give me this?" I ask, looking at him expectantly. "Remember, the last time I was gifted one of these I was abandoned by Beyond, so you'd better have good reason for it."

He looks down at the pendant with an unreadable expression.

"That pendant meant a lot to me growing up, but right now I'd rather have you hold onto it. Think of it as me staking a claim."

I raised my eyebrow, not convinced in the slightest.
"Claim? This isn't the California Gold Rush, and I'm a human being, not a piece of land. What's your real reason?"

His eyes were cloudy and troubled. He clearly wasn't paying attention about me, and I could tell his mind was elsewhere. Unprovoked, he climbed out of his seat, abandoning his cake.

"Where are you going?" I called after him, increasingly worried. "Hey, are you feeling alright?"

"Huh?" He turns back to look at me, as if he just realized I was still there. "Oh, yes, I'm fine. I'm just going to the roof for some fresh air. This sound is starting to get to me. I love you. " And just like that, he stalked off towards the elevators.

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