quar-crazy and back on my bullshit

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what's up guys? been awhile.

well, you know the deal. quar's got us all going bored and i'm back on this godforsaken website. i found myself sifting through some of my old fics that i never published. i stumbled upon another L x Reader and reading it, i think i should have published it a lot earlier. my writing's improved a lot on this one. i thinks it's a much more creative and serious work. i wouldn't put beautiful liar and this in the same category.

it's called the halfway house. it takes place after L's death in a purgatory of sorts with the reader being A, the first candidate to be L. the themes are of guilt, forgiveness, death, and healing. i really like it.
i should've published it a year ago, but i was too insecure. but you know what they say — the best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago, and the second best time is now. so, here you go. check it out if you enjoyed this book and it seems like your thing.


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