A Perfect Start to a New Year

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"Good morning my love," Scott whispers into my ear.

I smile. "Good morning. Happy New Year's Eve Scott."

"Happy New Year's Eve Allison. Will I get to kiss you at the stroke of midnight?"

"Of course you will. But only if you get into this bed and cuddle me right now."

Scott did not waste a second in taking off his jeans and t-shirt before sliding in beside me. I tossed a leg across his hips and rested my hand on the shoulder farthest to me. Scott's arms wrapped around me.

"You're so beautiful. Have I ever told you that?"

I kiss his jaw. "Many times. But I don't believe you because I haven't even put makeup on yet."

"You don't need. You're absolutely beautiful. Both inside and outside. I'm so lucky."

I kiss him and only pull away when I heard Kate laugh. I turned to the doorway and there she was.

"Save some of that for midnight kiddos."

Scott laughs. "Good morning Kate."

"Good morning brown eyes. I understand you're very eager for your midnight kiss but let's save it for when it's actually midnight."

I shrug. "We're practicing."

"Oh really? Practicing for your midnight kiss?"

Scott nods. "Yeah, it has to be perfect. It's gonna be the first memory of 2018 so it needs to be perfect. So we need to practice."

Kate shrugs. "You've got a point brown eyes. Continue with your practicing."

"Happily," I say as she starts to leave. "Let's practice some more."

Scott's lips lock with mine and it felt like forever before we pulled away. Scott's eyes were still closed and he had the dopiest smile on his lips.

"You look so cute."

Scott's eyes slowly opened and I stroke his cheek.

"Allison Argent, I'm the luckiest guy in the world to be able to spend New Years Eve with you. I can't believe that I'll get to spend every second of the rest of my life with you."

"I'm eternally happy that I get to spend it with a guy as wonderful as you. Scott, I'd been looking for you my entire life and I hadn't known it until you wormed your way into my heart. I wouldn't have made it passed the five months without you. You rekindled the fire in me and I can never thank you enough for that."

Scott shakes his head. "Seeing you smile is enough for me. I just want to make you happy."

"You do. You make me very happy."

My mom shouts "Come down for breakfast. You need to fuel up for the long day we have ahead of us."

Scott gets dressed again and I was dressed soon after, I hop onto his back and he carried me all the way to the dinning room. My mom smiled at us and my dad sipped his orange juice with a grin.

"So, practice went well?"

I turn to Kate who wore the biggest smirk I'd ever seen. "We're pros. Though we'll probably squeeze in a few more practice sessions."

"10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Happy New Year," we all shouted in Scott's house.

Lydia and Stiles leaned into a gentle kiss. Erica practically slammed Boyd against the wall with the force behind her kiss. Cora had her legs wrapped around Isaac as they kissed passionately near the front door. Malia had pulled Kira's lips onto her own with a proud smile on her face. My mom and dad were locked in a sweet kiss. Kate was popping the champagne.

"Happy New Years Allison," Scott said once he had dipped me. "I love you." Then he put his lips against mine.

Fireworks sounded in the distance as we continued to kiss and when we had pulled away, the clock read 12:01. I looked around the room one last time. This one room held the people I held dearest to me and I was so grateful to start my year with them.

"I think 2018 is going to be a great year."
Happy New Year!! I wish all of you the best for 2018! Sorry this chapter is so short. I hope to finish this story soon. I'll try to update more often. I love you all.
- Lexi

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