Spring Break

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"So, where are you going for Spring Break," Tracy asked as she continued to pack her own bag. "I'm going to Florida."

"I'm just heading home to be with my parents and everyone is coming back so we're gonna catch up on our college lives."

Tracy smiles. "That's so cool. You're so lucky that you and your friends have all kept in touch. I feel like I haven't heard from any of my friends since graduation. Don't even get me started on my dad. That last we spoke I got on my plane to come here."

"Hey, I'm your friend and you're welcomed to borrow my parents anytime you want."

"You're so sweet. How's Scott? Theo said he's been mopey lately."

"He says he misses me. We've been video chatting and he's been very frustrated with the fact he can't hold me. He's looking forward to driving back home with me."

"Oh speaking of your home. When do I get to meet our third roommate?"

"Lydia comes back from her studying abroad today so when break ends she'll be back with us. You'll love her."

"Considering how highly you speak of her, I'm sure I will."

A knock on our dorm room made us pause. I looked through the peephole and saw Scott standing with flowers. I opened the door and his smile grew in size.

"I've missed you so much," he says as he hugs me so tight that I might break in half.


Scott loosens his hold. "I'm sorry. I've just missed you so much."

"I've missed you too."

Tracy grabs the flowers. "I'll go put these beautiful roses in water. Lovely choice getting white but I know you two aren't pure."

Scott laughs and pulls me into another hug. This time being careful not to crush me.

"Alli, it's nice to have you back in my arms."

"It's nice to be back in your arms. We're gonna spend the whole break together."

"That's exactly what I need. You and our friends."

I kiss him quickly. "I just have a few more things to pack and then we can be on our way."

"Anytime I can get with you is perfect. Mind if I help?"

"No, I've got it. You can keep me company though."

Scott happily followed and he laid on my bed and watched as I put the last of my things away.

"You look so amazing. I can't focus on anything else but you."

I smile and stop packing to kiss him. He was more than happy to reciprocate. He pulls away with the dopiest smile on his face.

"Finish packing so I can have you all to myself."

He pecked me on the lips one last time and gestured back to my bag.


"You sure your parents won't mind you staying at my house?"

"Of course not. I miss my boyfriend. Sure, I miss my parents, but I'll visit them all the time. I miss sleeping in your arms and kissing you when I feel like it."

Scott meets my eyes for a second before starting the car and driving.

"You want to go out to a romantic dinner for two tonight," I asked.

Scott smiles but keeps his eyes on the road. "The entire gang is actually coming over for dinner tonight. Want me to reschedule so that we can be alone?"

"No, they'll just tease us for it. I can wait to have you all to myself once they've gone."

Scott reaches his hand out for mine and I let him take it. He presses a quick kiss to the back of my hand and he holds it for the rest of the drive home.

"I'm really excited to have the whole gang back together."

"We're all gonna have a great time together."

"Scott, have you thought about us moving in together? Maybe after graduation?"

"I would love for us to live together. Where were you thinking?"

"Maybe your house. Start our own family and have them grow up in there."


"Little Melissa and Liam are gonna love that they'll be running down the same stairs that their dad did when he was their age."

Scott had a smile on his lips. "That sounds nice."


My parents were waiting outside Scott's house when we finally arrived. They wasted no time in squashing me between them in a tight hug. Scott brought the bags into the house and my dad stopped him.

"I'll just put Allison's bag in the trunk for now. That way you don't have to bring it down when we leave."

I step beside Scott. "Actually dad, I was thinking of staying here with Scott since I've barely had any time with him. I'll be over all the time for lunches and dinners. Its just, I'd like the extra time with Scott while we're both free."

My dad sighs. "I'll allow it so long as you two come over for at least one meal each day."

I hug both of them and then help Scott bring the bags upstairs. Scott jumps onto his bed and sighs.

"I've missed my room so much."

I nod. "I've missed mine too."

Scott sits up on his bed. "Babe, you deserve to be in your room. Let's just stay with your parents during the week and have the weekend here?"

"You'd be willing to do that?"

"Allison, I love you. I'll go anywhere if it makes you happy."

I walk forward and slowly push him backwards so he's laying on his back again as I straddle his hips.

"If we stay with my parents though, we can't have sex whenever we want. And I really like the idea of being able to do that whenever we feel like it."

Scott groans. "Your parents are downstairs. We can't."

"Exactly my point. We can't stay with them. I'll see my room when we go for our required meal. I love that you were willing to do that for me though." I pull him with a quick kiss. "Later tonight you're all mine."


Dinner with everyone was great. It felt fantastic to catch up with everyone. But the best part of the night was when they all left. Scott hoisted me up and carried me to his room. It was magical and we were both currently enjoying the afterglow by sharing a slow and gentle kiss.

"You really want to move in here after graduation?"

I nod. "I do. Are you ok with that?"

"I'd be happy to live here with you." I went to kiss him again but he pulled away before I could. "But only on one condition."

"What's the condition?"

He reaches into his duffel bag and pulls out a ring. "That you marry me after graduation."
Sorry I've been so bad at updating. This story is almost over. Hope you enjoy it. Thank you all for sticking with it. I really appreciate all of you.
- Lexi

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