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"Wh-what- how did you do that?"

You slowly began to rise, taking Anti with you. He looked just as shocked as you felt on the inside. The will to live and the will to see your Jack again gave you strength unlike any other. You pushed Anti off of you, the strength behind it causing him to fall down. He looked up at you with scared and amazed eyes. They seemed to look more like Jack's gorgeous baby blue eyes. You quickly snatched a knife from the ground and tackled him. You straddled his waist, your knees pressing into his legs and one hand holding his wrists above him. He tried to struggle, but you were stronger.

"What are you going to do now, Anti? I'm in control now! You were never in control! Now, be a good boy and give me Jack back."

Anti's face filled with disgust at that name. He tried to free his legs, but you would not let him free.

"Let me go and I won't punish you too harshly, lass."

You sent the knife into his right arm, pinning it to the floor. He yelped in pain and squirmed at the discomfort.

"Give me Jack back."

"I told you; he's gone. I am here now!"

You slapped him and pulled the knife out of his arm. You then sent it into his abdomen. The sharp pain caused him to whimper and fight back a scream.

You gripped his hair and pulled harshly as you leaned in close.

"Give. Me. Jack. Back."

A small stream of blood trailed out of the corner of Anti's lips. He opened his mouth and took a large gulp of air before laughing. His static chuckle filled the room, and once again resonated in your ears. You shook your head at the piercing noise and slammed your hand onto Anti's mouth. Sharp fangs dug into your fingers and you yelped as you snatched your hand away. He kept laughing. The sound would not stop.

"What the fuck is so funny?" You questioned, trying to hide your serious pain from the ear-splitting noise.

Anti's eyes bore into yours as he spat blood onto your face before talking. "This whole time you thought you were hurting me," he chuckled. "You stupid bitch. This whole time you've been hurting your precious boy. I am immortal! You cannot hurt me!" He shoved you to the ground. You were dazed and slightly confused. You watched his arm heal and so did the wound on his abdomen. He stood up and towered over you, stretching his body. You quickly remembered you had a knife and pointed it at him defensively.

"Don't come any closer!"

Anti chuckled again, causing your head to build up with pressure. "Did you not understand what I said? You can't hurt me!" He leaped forward and snatched the knife away from you.

You had to take a different approach, and you needed to figure out what would work best. You remembered how you had changed Anti by loving him earlier. As much as you despised the demon, you had to get Jack back whatever way possible.

Please help me, Jack.

Anti had you pinned to the ground, so you could see the pure hatred that burned in his soulless eyes when you thought about Jack. His grip on your wrists tightened, causing tears to form in your eyes from discomfort. You fought the tears back and leaned close to Anti, pressing your lips onto his. A tear did slip from your eye and ran down your cheek all the way to your lips. The saltiness made you cringe, but Anti didn't seem to notice. He kissed back, his grip releasing.

"I'm still here, (Y/N). Keep fighting." Jack's voice spoke in your head, just like Anti could. Anti pulled away from the kiss and shook his head.

"No," he muttered to himself.

"A-Anti? Are you alright?" You tried to sound like you cared.

He didn't say a word. He just crashed his lips onto yours, his hands leaving your wrists and going to your waist.

Jack, remember that time we went to the amusement park? You thought, hoping that bringing up memories would help rid you and Jack of Anti.

"Of course I do, babe. Remember how chilly it was that day? And how I screamed my ass off because of how high up we were on The Mountain?"

That was fucking hilarious, you thought, your hands going to Anti's hair. Even the little girl in front of us wasn't screaming as loudly as you were.

"No," Anti mumbled into the kiss. "Stop."

Remember the night it stormed really bad so we made a blanket fort in the living area? We even sat in it with our flashlights when the power went out, you reminisced.

"We cuddled all night long in that fo- Stop!- rt. Remember when you fell because you tripped over a pillow and basically tackled me?"

How could I forget?  You thought.
"Remember the day we went to Mark's house for the we-Stop! Shut up!-ekened and we stayed up all night playing video games."

Yes. I got so fucking frustrated when Mark kept killing me in Call of Duty. I hate playing with friendly fire on! It's so dumb! You thought. Anti had pulled away from you and was now sitting on the floor, shaking his head every so often.

"You were so-I am here. I am in control-cute though. You're ador-I am here. I am in control- able when you're pissed."

Your head stung from having to listen to the battle between Jack and Anti for power. It was almost enough to drive you insane.

Jack, please help me. I can't take this much longer.

"Just keep fight-I am here now. I am in control-ing, sweetheart. Make up your -I am here now. I am in control. I am here now. I am in con-own chant to help fight him. Stay strong, love."

Your eyes fell on Anti as you tried to think of something. You remembered all the awful things he had put you through. You remembered every night of torture, and it caused you to shudder. This awful demon had taken the body of your sweet, loving boyfriend. You needed to help end this fight.

Jack is good;he is here. Jack is good; he is here, you thought, trying to drown out Anti's chant.

"That's great, sweetie. I think I've almost-I am here. I am in control- won." Jack spoke in your head.

You kept repeating your chant over and over as they were screaming at each other. You heard everything because of Anti's power to speak in your mind. You clasped your hands over your ears, hopping it would help ease the insanity in your mind. You closed your eyes firmly shut so you could not see the fight or Anti. You began to slowly rock yourself as you repeated your chant.

"Jack is good; he is here," you began to whisper to yourself as you rocked.


Something was tugging your arm. You didn't know how long you had been sitting there. You didn't dare open your eyes or move your hands away from your ears. You didn't want to face reality, or insanity for that matter. Whatever was tugging your arm wouldn't relent, so you decided to give in. You let it pull your arms away from your ears. You slowly opened your eyes and looked up. You gasped at what you saw.


Always Here [Antisepticeye x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now