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Your eyes slowly fluttered open as you glanced around the room. You looked around and realized that you had passed out on the couch. You saw Jack sitting in a chair across the room. He was on his phone and didn't notice you until you let out a squeak as you stretched.

"Hey, love. Glad you're awake, " Jack said as he put his phone down and turned his attention to you.

"Did I pass out?"

"I'm afraid so. After I explained some things to you, you said the room began to spin and you passed out on the couch. I think I must've overwhelmed you. I'm sorry."

"Don't be, it's not your fault," you said as you sat up. "What time is it?"

"About ten o'clock. Want me to make some food?"

You nodded and smiled in response. Jack got out of his chair, kissed your forehead, and went to the kitchen. You grabbed the remote from the table beside the couch and turned the T.V. on. You watched a show for a little while before being summoned into the dining area by Jack. You took a seat at the table as Jack set a plate down before you. He took his seat as you began to eat. He had made sandwiches with fruit as a side.

You two ate and talked just like you used to do back when everything was normal. That word sounded so unfamiliar to you. Your life had always been abnormal but now it was as far from normal as it could be. As you continued to eat your food, you began to slow down and soon stopped eating as nausea swept over your body. In one fluid motion you slapped one hand to your mouth and popped up out of your chair. You sprinted to the bathroom and didn't bother closing the door behind you. You knelt over the toilet as you dry heaved. Jack was soon with you and held your hair out of your face. Finally, the nausea left and you were able to get up. You hugged Jack, breathing in his cologne and feeling secure.

"Babe, was it the food?"

"No, I don't know what it was. It happened when he was here too."

"He probably did something to you."

"No, it wasn't him. He actually took care of me."

Jack looked confused and you just shrugged.

"Let's go watch a movie or something."

"I can't, " Jack said sorrowfully. "I have to record."

"Oh. Well, afterwards we can do something!"

He nodded before kissing your forehead and heading towards his recording room. You plopped down on the couch and flipped through the channels on T.V. To your dismay, nothing seemed interesting. You pulled up YouTube on the T.V. and watched some videos. While you were watching, you began to feel hungry after not being able to finish your lunch. You found it in the kitchen and took a bite of the sandwich. This time, however, it seemed unappealing to you. You tossed it in the trash and began to search through the kitchen for something. You finally found something satisfactory. You poured a good amount of potato chips into a bowl. You grabbed peanuts and poured them into the bowl after putting a good amount of cherry candy in the bowl. Satisfied, you went back to the living room to finish watching YouTube.

"Lass?" You heard an Irish voice say. You paused the video you were currently watching.


There was no response. "Seán?" You called out a little louder. The sound of a door squeaking open filled your ears before Jack replied.

"Yes, love?"

"Did you call me?"


"Oh, okay. Sorry I thought I heard you."

"It's alright, love. I'll be done with recording soon."

"Okay," you said as you heard his door shut. You sighed and ran a hand through your hair.

"I must be getting sick," you said as you thought about your incident at lunch. "Then why do I have a strange appetite?" You mentally debated yourself before deciding to take a shower. You gathered some clothes and slipped into the bathroom. You turned the water on and looked at yourself in the mirror. You had slight bags under your eyes and your eyes almost looked bloodshot. Jesus, you looked bad. You sighed and stripped off your clothes before hopping into the shower. You relished in the warmth of the water as it rained down on your body. The pleasurable sensation the droplets gave you caused you to close your eyes to soak it all in.

Hello there, lass.

Your eyes shot open as your heart began to race. You sighed. "This isn't real," you thought.

Oh, c'mon, lass. You and I both know that's not true.

Your breathing began to quicken as you looked around as if someone was there. "I'm just being irrational. It's all in my head."

That last part is true. I am in your head, dear.

"No," you mumbled under your breath.

I think you're going insane.

"This can't be."

Oh, but darling, it is. Just c'mon and say it.

"Say what you bastard?!" You thought as your heart began to pound.

You're already thinking it, and guess what? You're absolutely right. Just c'mon and say it for me.

"No," you whispered. "This isn't real. It can't be."

Wake up and smell the rotting flesh! It is real!

"You're gone. We got rid of you!" You began to shout.

Well then, who's speaking in your head?

A glitchy chuckle filled your head and made it pound. You clasped your hands to your head as the chuckle caused you pain.

"Just stop! This isn't real! You're not real!" You screamed.

"Babe? Are you alright in there?" You heard Jack's voice muffled by the door.

Tell him you're fine.

"I, uh, I'm-"

Tell him your fine. The pain began to increase.

"Ow," you mumbled. "I'm fine dear, sorry. I'll be out soon," you turned the knob of the shower and the water stopped.

"Okay," Jack said as he walked away. The pain stopped and you sighed in relief.

You've been acting very strange lately, dear. I wonder why that is.

"Shut up," you muttered as you dried off and clothed yourself. You walked out of the bathroom and into the living room where Seán was sitting. You sat next to him and curled up next to his body. He wrapped his arm around you and suddenly the pain began again. You groaned and clutched your head again. Seán asked if you were okay, but you couldn't think to reply.

I'm back, lass.

"S-Seán," you barely got out as you clutched his arm. "Anti's b-back."

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