Chapter 13: Opposite Attracts

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Jinyoung had made it to his last class, who he oddly never attended, but made sure to get the assignment.

It was the first in the few months he has been in the class that he returned.

"Ah, Jinyoung. You finally seem to show up for class," Mr. Choi glared at Jinyoung.

"Sorry," Jinyoung bowed before taking a seat close to the front.

Mr. Choi hummed before getting ready to start class.

The bell rung, and everyone rushed to their seats.

"As we shall now begin class. Today, I have decided to do a final project for you all. This is your last and final year as a high school student. Saying that, many of you got accepted to colleges and university, or I hope. You will write about-" Mr. Choi walked back and forth, a habit the students noticed.

"I'm sorry I'm late," Jaebum entered the room, with a pass.

Jinyoung tensed when he saw Jaebum, wanting to die.

His feelings for the elder had disappeared over the time from the punch.

Well... The rest of the feelings.

Jaebum walked to the back, only to be stopped by the teacher.

"This is the third time you have been late this week, please sit by Mr. Park Jinyoung, and see me after the assignment is given. Both of you," the teacher said before talking about the assignment.

Jinyoung felt his head going wild.

No he could not do this.

Jaebum needed to stay away from him.

He was dangerous.


Like Choi Youngjae.

Jaebum sat down, groaning before listening to Mr. Choi.

"As I was saying, you'll write or do something creative about our last assignment together. You will work with a partner, a choice of your own, unless I talked to you. You will make something of your memories here. Adding a writing portion, you are still in English class. Papers are upfront, and come to me if I talked to you! You may start working," Mr. Choi sat down at the table.

Jinyoung slowly got up, letting Jaebum walk before him. Mark also got up, with Jackson.

This was the only class Jackson and Jinyoung had together, which made it awkward with all four of them.

"I saw all your grades and effort and thought and most of all your character. Mark, you are cheerful and selfless, yet deep down you wished your parents didn't have such high expectations. Jackson, also very happy, quiet. Although you seem more of a Mark than a Jackson, you barley set standards for yourself. You just do what you do, and get everything done with an effort. Jaebum, strong, ignorance and self centered. Grades are poor and your standards are poor. And lastly, Jinyoung. No feelings, nothing. Zero. But grades are something to talk about. Opposite attracts. Jinyoung is Zero on the scale for feelings, but four on grades. And Jaebum is Zero for grades and four for feelings.

Today, you four will work together. I know I said two, but I want all four of you to work together. Don't make a fuss. And this will bring your C- to a A- if you actually do well, Im Jaebum. Jackson, Mark, you'll so fine. And Jinyoung, you'll graduate as first in the class," Mr. Choi looked sat each boy.

"Mr. Choi, I would not like to work with them-" Jinyoung spoke, quietly.

"Mr. Park, whatever drama has happen, stays out of my class and this assignment. Now all you get working," Mr. Choi pointed at the chairs.

Jinyoung sighed before walking back to his desk. He needed this assignment to graduate in honors. First. To please his mother.

"So what do you want to do?" Mark asked quietly.

Awkward silence filled the boys atmosphere.

"We could take pictures and make them into a collage!" Jackson tried to warm up the negativity.

"We could take different angels of students and make it show how different each student is. Also it shows how we fit in the school. And for the English section, we can write about how the pictures describe us our own person, and as a group," Jinyoung put in. His whole self turned different.

"Park Jinyoung, your ideas are beyond wild!" Jackson gave the younger a genuine smile.

Jinyoung blushed a little, a little color to his life, but shrugged it off. Jackson was of course his only friend. And was his set of color.

"Jaebum, what do you think?" Mark asked.

"Uh.. Er... " Jaebum had been distance.

His whole head had been clouded with Youngjae and his problems. And what Jinyoung had told him.

"Jinyoung was saying to take pictures of our everyday life for the next week and we can talk about how it describes us and make us fit in," Mark rolled his eyes but smiled.

"Yeah its great. I'll just go and get a camera," Jaebum said.


Ouuuuuu....  There's issues with 2Jae Fam.

Well.. We will see what happens!!!!!

My nose is stuFFY.

And I hate that shit.

I can't breathe.



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