Chapter 43: Back

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After interrupting Jinyoung and Mark, Jackson walked back to where Bambam was standing.

"Are you sure we will be able to go in?" Bambam asked.

"Yes I am sure. Mark will most likely go home after this. They are arguing," Jackson laughed.

"Sure whatever," Bambam sassed before sitting back down.

His ass hurt from sitting down so long. They have been waiting for about two hours, and Mark still hasn't gone home.

"Jackson hurry and go see if Mark left," Bambam whined.

"Shut up, geez. We still have to wait for him to come," Jackson rolled his eyes.

"Look Mark is leaving! Let's go!" Bambam rushed to the room.

"Bam!" Jackson ran after the smaller boy.

They entered the room, Jinyoung was asleep, and no one was here.

"Are you sure we can go in without him?" Jackson asked, looking out the door.

"Sure, whatever. What can he do? Kill Jinyoungie?" Bambam laughed before sitting down.

"Okay," Jackson rolled his eyes.

They waited around a bit before the door creaked opened.

"Jinyoung?" Mr. Park head popped in.

He saw the two other boys waiting patiently before walking in. A shorter figured followed behind closely behind in a black sweater.

"It feels nice to know that you are back, boss," Bambam smiled.

"Same, I was getting tired of those stupid bars," the male said before looking closely at Jinyoung, "And it feels nice to be back, baby."

"We had to kill the baby to keep him alive, sir," Mr. Park said.

"That's fine. He can still conceive and that's fine," the male said.

Jackson walked over and looked at the cords.

"He is still in too much of a critical conditions to get these wires off of him," Jackson looked up at the other three males.

"It's fine," Bambam said before tripping onto the bed.

The bed shook and woke up Jinyoung.

"Jaebum?" Jinyoung slowly opened his eyes.

"Ah, no it's just me!" Jackson smiled, trying to distract Jinyoung, but it was too late.

Jinyoung saw the male and started to hyperventilate. The monitor started to beep loudly, and the four rushed out the room.

"Y-youngjae," Jinyoung said before blacking out.

The nurses filled in, calling Mark first.

another chapter done and its short again but it makes up for the last short chapter lol

~ angie <3

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