Chapter 30: Deal or No Deal

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Jaebum starred at Jinyoung, who knew Jaebum would never do anything extreme for him.

Jinyoung pushed Jaebum out of the way and walked towards Youngjae.

"What if we make a deal?" Jinyoung asked.

"Oh, Jinnie, the cops are already here! What can we do?" Youngjae laughed.

"I'll ask them to leave, saying I'm alright," Jinyoung sniffed.

"With those bruises?" Jaebum glared at Youngjae.

"And then what?" Youngjae wanted something from this.

"Let Jaebum go. In return, I'll stay," Jinyoung said firmly.

"Oh, no. He can go, but you will not step out of this house, if your staying," Youngjae growled, "Jaebum can get out."

"Wait, Jinyoung-" Jaebum stood up and tried to walk over to Jinyoung.

Wonwoo and Mingyu grabbed Jinyoung by the arm and dragged him to the door.

"Bye, Jaebumie! Your dick was pretty small!" Youngjae laughed before looking at Jinyoung.

Jinyoung stiffen, looking away from Youngjae.

"Now Jinnie, we made a deal. And you staying does not make your life easier," Youngjae walked over and slammed the elder against the wall, "Now... Where were we?"

Youngjae smirked against Jinyoung's collarbone. Jinyoung whimpered, closing his eyes tightly, tears almost coming out.

Not wanting to fuck Jinyoung in the open, though it did make Youngjae aroused, the younger dragged the elder to his room.

"Your going to listen to me, Jinyoung. Understand?" Youngjae growled, pushing Jinyoung to the bed.

"Y-yes," Jinyoung cried.

Youngjae slide his body in between Jinyoung's legs before taking off his own pants.

"Now if you want this to go easy and fast, you better start moaning," Youngjae pushed in his member all the way into Jinyoung hole, not waiting for him to adjust.

"Ow," Jinyoung groaned silently.

"Your choice," Youngjae pulled out and went back in. Jinyoung cried as Youngjae moved.

Youngjae continued to roughly pulled out and in of Jinyoung, groaning as Jinyoung cried. Youngjae touched Jinyoung's check, before diving in for a rough kiss.

Jinyoung struggled to get out of it, but Youngjae bit his lips, then let go.

"Jinnie," Youngjae's hand creeper downwards, and landed on his nipples. Youngjae played around with one of them before leaving to Jinyoung's member, "turn around on all four."

Jinyoung slowly got up, and turned around. What Youngjae was doing to him was painful, and he felt numb.

"I want you to jerk yourself off while I'm inside of you," Youngjae whispered before slamming himself in. Jinyoung touched his member, shaking with fear.

Jinyoung slowly pumped himself, not wanting to do it.

"Jinyoung,you better hurry," Youngjae was already leaking and he wanted to come with Jinyoung.

With Jinyoung being slow, Youngjae took the elders member from his hand and stroked him very fast.

"You know Jinyoung," Youngjae panted as he satisfied himself, "This could be going fast but no, you decided not to."

Soon enough, Youngjae came inside of Jinyoung. The elder released a small amount, but Youngjae was happy.

"Jinnie, go to sleep," Youngjae kissed Jinyoung on his for head before leaving him to cry.


Jaebum you little weak peace of shit. But ouuu... Something exciting is going to happen and I can't wait!!

Anyways I might update a few times today dunno. I'm bust with my life T.T lol


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