Chapter 36: Congrats!!

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Both Jinyoung and Jaebum had kept quiet about that baby.

Jinyoung would stay home while Jaebum ran errands for the younger.

Mark and Jackson had not come over since Jinyoung broke out a few days back. He had gotten scared when the two walked in the apartment.

"Bummie, I have an appointment tomorrow," Jinyoung whined.

"Doctor?" Jaebum walked into the living room.

"Yeah," Jinyoung patted his stomach.

"Aw, Baby, don't be sad," Jaebum sat down next to Jinyoung and wrapped his around him.

"But I don't want to go," Jinyoung pouted.

"I know Baby, but it will be over soon," Jaebum kissed the top of Jinyoung's head.

"Alright," Jinyoung turned around onto his side and peck Jaebum's lip.


Jinyoung felt fat. His stomach was getting bigger and he had to wear pber size shirts.

"Baby, lets get going," Jaebum walked into the bedroom.

"Bummie, am I fat?" Jinyoung looked down at his stomach.

"No, your just holding our baby, who is healthy," Jaebum smiled at Jinyoung.

"Are you sure?" Jinyoung asked.

"Yes I am. Now come one, befoew we are late and have to reschedule," Jaebum kissed Jinyoung.

The two exited the apartment and waited  for a taxi.

"Jinnie, what do you want to name our child?" Jaebum asked.

"Well if the child is a boy, Im Markson. And if a girl, Im Lisa," Jinyoung said.

"Markson?" Jaebum was confused.

"There was this one day I promised Mark to name my child after his and Jackson's ship name," Jinyoung laughed.

"Oh... And when will you tell them?" Jaebum asked.

"I... Don't know," Jinyoung saddened.

"Why not tonight? Let's get everything off your chest. I think you have been hurting yourself too much," Jaebum pushed Jinyoung's head down to his chest.

"Are you sure?" Jinyoung asked.

"Yes," Jaebum smiled, kissing the youngers forhead.


Once the doctor called Jinyoung's name, Jaebum was up in an instant and helped Jinyoung.

"Alright, Mr. Park,  let's get through the basic and since you are 14 weeks in, we can find your baby gender," the doctor smiled.

Jaebum helped Jinyoung through all the basics, making sure he understood everything.

"Alright Jinyoung, if you can lay down on the bed, and Jaebum, stand next to him and make sure nothing happens. I will get the machine ready and put the gel on your belly-" the doctor rambled on.

It had taken twenty mintues before everything was ready. Jaebum talked sweetly to Jinyoung and made sure  that his other half was breathing normal.

"Alright so, if you two could look over here," Dr. Kim, they found out his name later, "This is the head, neck, body, legs, fingers, hand-"

"DR. KIM, can you please stop talking to fast?" Jaebum asked.

"Oh yes," Dr. Kim smiled.

They two had gotten pictures of their baby after the  doctor was done talking. They also got the gender.

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