Chapter 34: Goodbye for good

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Mark and Jackson had come to support Jinyoung in the hearing.

Today the Jury was finally giving the verdict.

Jinyoung looked at his fingers, breathing in and out heavily, trying tp calm down.

Jaebum looked over at Jackson, who was trying to calm down Mark.

The Jury and Judge walked into the room, and it became silent, with everyone standing up.

"The Jury had come to a verdict, may everyone sit down," the Judge said.

Once everyone seated down, one of the Jury walked over to the Judge to give him a paper.

"Mr. Choi Youngjae you have been found guilty with all the evidence facing towards you. You will be sentenced to prison for life, along with volunteer hours," The Judge read off.

The Judge hit the gravel and walked out the room.

"Jinyoungie! I told you! You were going to b fine!" Mark jumped up and down.

"Yeah..." Jinyoung smiled a little.

"Mark, bring Jinyoung home. I'll be back!" Jackson walked off after Jaebum.

"Let's go!" Mark looked over at Youngjae, who was glaring at Jinyoung.

"Yeah," Jinyoung nodded, before thanking Mr. Kim.


Jinyoung starred at the ceiling. He was laying down, thinking about his baby.

"I took away your daddy," Jinyoung's eye blurred"

'What am I going to do? He was psycho. He didn't have a real family to love him. What if I'm like that?" Jinyoung cried.

Jinyoung curled up, asking for forgiveness from his baby.

"We can die together," Jinyoung sniffed.

'Its not like anyone will notice us being gone."

Jinyoung slowly got up from the floor, and walked over to the kitchen.

"Its okay," Jinyoung breathe in as he kicked up the knife from the tomb cabinet.

Placing the knife close to his wrist he slit his arm.

Blood slowly came out, trickling down Jinyoung's arm.

"I love you baby. I truly do. I just don't know what to do anymore," Jinyoung wailed, setting the knife down before wiping his eyes.

That night, Jinyoung stayed out on his becolny, watching the sky.

"Youngjae~ah, since you did this to me, I'll die. Holding your child," Jinyoung rocked himself back and forth.


Well... I almost cried...

Okay but back to business.

How tf did you guys get this book to 1.1...k and 100+ stars??

Like child with the reading!!!

I'm so use to only one person reading my stories...

It's good to know my fam (Aghase) is helping me gain my strength in writing!

Now time to stop being chesssy.


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