Chapter 33: The Court

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Jinyoung paced back and forth in his apartment.

He was going to see both Jaebum and Youngjae.

And he did not know what to do.

"It'll be alright," Jinyoung tried to say firmly, "You'll be okay, Jinyoung. You just need to answer certain questions and you'll be fine."

Jinyoung sighed before looking at himself.

"You'll do good," Jinyoung smiler before leaving the apartment.

Jinyoung walked out of his apartment, out of the building and towards the court building.

"Mr. Park, is it true that my client took you hostage and advantage of you those two weeks you were missing?" Ms. Choi asked.

"Yes," Jinyoung nodded, looking past the people in the court room.

"Tell us, what happened the night you found yourself in a different house?" Ms. Choi raised her eyebrow.

"I was walking from a friends house back to mines. When I turned the corner of the café, I suddenly felt a cloth pressed against my mouth," Jinyoung exhaled deeply a few times.

"What happened when you woke up?" Ms. Choi started to pace back and forth.

"I was in this dark room and I didn't know where I was," Jinyoung choked out the vivid memories.

"And what happened those few nights you were in that room?"

"At first... He would have people come in and kick me a few times... Then he started to take me out of the room... In the bedroom.. He would... He would..." Jinyoung breathing rapidly increased.

"He would what? Stick himself in you? He's gay?" Ms. Choi raised her eyebrows at him.

Jinyoung cried, all those memories of Youngjae climbing on top of him, even though he kicked him off.

"Never mind. I'll be done, your Honor," Ms. Choi sat down, knowing she would lose the case to Mr. Kim.

"Your Honor can we take a recess?" Mr. Kim stood up.

"Yes -" the Judge stood up.

"Come here Jinyoung," Mr. Kim helped Jinyoung out of the chair.

"Aw, come here baby Jinyoungie," Mark walked over to Jinyoung, hugging him.

"Come on. Let's get you to the bathroom," Jackson leaned Jinyoung into his shoulder before walking towards the bathroom.

Jaebum watched as Jinyoung was carried away from the room.

"Jaebum, why don't you go talk to him?" Mr. Wang asked.

"I... Feel bad. I let it happen to him," Jaebum whispered before turning around, "plus, there is so much to handle right now."


Happy New Years!

Thank you for 1k reads, especially when entering a new year. T.T I'm so happy but I'm crying.

I'm so thankful for each one of you!

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Thank you all!!!


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